I'm posting because two days ago I voted for a president and the one I voted for was elected. I was really excided and a little faith in America was restored. Unfortunately this faith was shot back down when both Prop 8 and Amendment 2 were passed which I believe is nothing but a pile of bull shit. As you have probably guessed, I voted NO on Amendment 2. It's unconstitutional to take away people's rights. Besides, what gives us the right to take away others rights? No one! God love as all, no matter who we are. This is the 21st century, times ARE changing and the sooner people realize it the better off we as a nation will be!
Here is a video by Antiquitydreams and her views on Prop 8. Maybe you can better see it her way. Her words are strong and have deep meaning to them. Please, take them to heart!
It's called "Dear Yes on 8 Supporters" just in case this posting doesn't work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS2haAKBOEY If you watched this, Thank you. If not, please do.
**Quote of the day
"God bless us all because we are all just human"
This is my quote to you
-Live for peace, love and happiness. Don't let anyone judge you or bring you down, just be you. Help fight because no matter who we are we all love and this is something we all share and that no one wants to lose. So let’s stand strong and give back those rights to the ones who want it most, no matter what type of relationship they have.
Fight, Fight for Love