[fic] crimson rain.

Jan 13, 2010 04:14

heya, peeps.

happy new year 2010! \:D/

Part 4

Once there was a happy family of four; living peacefully in the big house uphill. Laughter would always fill in the empty spaces inside their rooms. That is until the tragic day.

The day when they were brutally murdered by a person they trust the most.

Keiko was a dream girl of good friends, Hiromi and Yohji in the university. But somehow, Keiko chose Yohji. It broke Hiromi's heart to shattered pieces. He left the college to mend what had been broken. That was when he entered a yakuza group called ‘red dragon’ and succeeded the clan after the chief passed away. One fine day after several years passed by, Hiromi found Yohji and Keiko again; walking happily with their children. Hiromi couldn't believe it. They both lied to him when they said they would always remember him. There, with their two children; he found no trace of Yohji’s friendship and Keiko’s love towards him. They had moved on with their life and forget him. They didn’t even recognize him at first when he greeted them.

Hiromi smiled and promised that he will come to visit their house. He picked up his newly washed suit for that day. New pair of shoes; and a hat. Hiromi then bought a new gun; which he hides inside the children’s nicely wrapped presents.

People might question his sanity; how could he kill his first love; and her husband who was once his best friend? He loves Keiko very dearly, yes; same goes to Yohji. But hatred dissolves all his compassionate towards them. That day, he could only see two people who betrayed him; running all around the house; screaming for their life. He didn’t see his loved ones; he only heard the beautiful sound of gunshots and agonizing shrieks moment after that.

It only occurred to him that he might had done something very wrong when he stand before two dead bodies of his loved ones; and two innocent children crying and shaking their parents’ body in desperation.

“Mommy! Wake up!”

“Daddy, Daddy, can you hear me?”

Hiromi lifted up his hand again; ready to shut them up. But no, he couldn’t. Not with his eyes locked up to the teary, guiltless eyes.

“Why did you kill my Mommy and Daddy?!! Bad uncle!!” The young boy started to kick his legs; cursing and yelling at him.

“I’m sorry.” With his eyes closed; he pulled the trigger.

The atmosphere went quiet for a little while. The boy lied still; his blood pooling under the man’s feet.

Hiromi looked up to see a pair of vulnerable hazel eyes staring back at him. The same eye color that he had adored so much.

“Keiko..your eyes..they’re so unusual..and pretty..”

His trembling knees gave in; the gun fell from his grip.

“G-God…What have I done…”


Her ruby lips curved into an unknowing smile.

“She’s your mistake from the past. And now it haunts you back.”

Michiko hates the man in front of her. As the only daughter of the great Red Dragon clan’s chief; she should’ve gotten the spot when her father died. But he gave the title to a stranger; a so-called talented man.

He does his job brilliantly for the past 20 years; but she still wants her “throne” back. So Michiko tried to investigate his darkest secret; using it to finally get what she deserves.

That was when she discovered about the family of four.

“Stop talking nonsense. I need to find Kazuya; and you’re not helping. Go away.”

“Do you remember him?” She tossed several photos of a young man in front of him.

“No.” He said, without even looking at them.

“His name is Akanishi Jin.”


“Would you take a closer look at him? He resembles someone you know, Kitagawa-san..”

Something hard and painful suddenly strikes his heart; the pain of yesterdays began to creep back as he looked at the photo closely.

That smile….and those eyes…

“Y-- Yohji”

“Yes. He didn’t die..Hiromi. The day you thought you had killed him and took away his little sister; he’s actually still breathing.”



“This is Kazuya’s older brother. Akanishi Jin.”


P/S: Sorry for super late update~! gomen-ne~ I think my passion on writing is decreasing these days :( might be because of all the school works *___*

fanfic: multichapter, pairing: akame

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