Apr 12, 2007 17:57

Why?? Why does the old man Kitagawa is so cruel?? First he took Uchi away from NEWS and Kanjani 8,then Kusano from NEWS.And now,there's a rumour that he's gonna take out Jin from KAT-TUN and make him go solo or go into another unit.Why?? What's wrong with KAT-TUN?? I know that this is only a rumour,but if it is true,KT-TUN will not gonna be complete without their 'A' and Kame will be all alone!!! It took them years to debut and now that they have reached to the top,this thing happen. Argghhhhh.....can't help but to curse to the old man.!!!!! Fangirls are already in heart-breakin stage bout all those stupid news about Jin's coming back(#$*&%$#!!!) and now he wanna separate Jin from KAT-TUN? I know that Jin is damn good at singin,dancin and all that he could easily go solo but i don't think i can't accept the fact if one day,he announces to the world that there'll be no more KAT-TUN,but only KT-TUN....*sigh*


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