Nino Nino Nino yeah.

Mar 31, 2009 10:06

I seriously have this urge to flail over Nino's drama SP Door to Door but I'll hold back. So in the meantime I'll just say the obvious, AWW NINO IS SO CUTE! I'm sure everyone has at least seen the previews so .. yeah. I took one cap which is spoiler free but just in case I'll keep under a cut.

He looks like a schoolboy xDD SO cute!

At first it was pretty weird but you get used to it. He was so natural doing his role you just can't help but smile.

And it wasn't a major/serious tear-jerker for me cos I was smiling as I watched it. LOLS. And the girl co-actress was REALLY pretty.

And on to some REALLY random Oh-chan pics I wanted to post but was too lazy to...

OOHHH  I just looove the OhnoxAiba scene here. xDD And both of them were wearing stripes so adorkable. Heheh.

The infamous Oh-chan photoshoot. xDDDD THIS, never ever fails to crack me up. *The AnS bg music from the scene*

LOLS. This is REALLY REALLY utter randomness. xDD I just liked this scene where he was kinda pitifully singing some song at a pachinko store. xDDDDDD

Cutest and dorkiest facepalm I've ever seen. xDD *biased*

LOL. What a post I made. Too random. xD

School is gonna start like, pretty soon. Its abit too late to be reflecting on the results of my first year but I do realise how horrible I've been. Classes and stuff are SO slack and when I got used to it I just don't feel the urge to do the work anymore. =__= Although I did study for sure, memorised the stuff I was SO distracted with Arashi. I watched UtaOni between studying, did some flailing and fangirling in between memorising. *facepalm*
And the worst thing was, forgetting the basics I have already studied for so long.
For example, the terms HYPOtonic and HYPERtonic. It SUDDENLY popped up in my practical written paper and naturally, I had forgotten which was which and mixed it up and *poof*! Marks gone. ;__;
Other than that I seriously thought the stuff that would come out in the test was going to be chim/complicated (LOL sorry for the S'pore slang xD) so I desperately memorised all the difficult stuff. And in the end, the question asked for definiton of simple terms. Couldn't get the right terms out. =___________= .

My GPA was horrible as a result but slightly better than before. I really hope I'll have more self-control. And stop watching Arashi during daylight (well I'll be in school anyway). I'll make an exception for Jun's and Sho's new dramas. XDDDDDDDD

*Off to download the last few episodes of D no Arashi* Kekeke.

nino, oh-chan, rants, flail, personal

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