Mar 03, 2009 21:06

I have to say. I think I love UtaOni 6 the most for it contains Oh-chan's richest expressions. XDD
I was gonna take just a few screencaps....but...FAIL. HAHAH. I LOVE THAT FACE TOO MUCH >D

Warning: Scenes from UtaOni6 So don't read if you don't want possible spoilers. And I'm Oh-chan biased so...yah...

Kenta-papa acting cute under Urara's instructions.  LOL

KAMEN RIDER OH-CHAN. FANTABULOUS. He looks too cute in that outfit...and that smile...*melts*

KentaxManabe. XD Just for the fun of it. XDD

Goddd... Which kid DARED to draw Kenta like that?!?! Kenta's NOT a stick man....

More horibble drawings...Arh kids...draw him cute like he originally is will ya? But seriously. That coloured one in the middle...is gotta be a big mistake...

Urara really does look pretty like that.. Hahah I kinda like her character. So cute. X3

LOL. For the fun of it. I love that smily face XDDD

Because he looks cute here...

A burglar trying to infiltrate Kenta's house...Seriously who the heck in this world would go to their ex-bf's house dressed up like that? -___-"

Oh hai Kenta. Yous louk kyoot as always. <-(manabe) LOLLSS

What? Of course I'm cute? Why yous stating teh obvious? (LOLL just leave my brain alone..)

Manabe-san...Why so fierce~?

That's Kenta's KEKE smile. LOL.

Did i mention I love how Kenta's room is arranged?

PEEPING TOM?!  I wouldn't mind this peeping tom though...


I'd love to have that cd and watch it over my meals. Lols.. Complete relaxation.

Because he looks hot here... arghh.. that look...*melts*

*Still melting*  That expression is simply heavenly..... <3

Lols, this post wouldn't be complete without his full awesome costume <33. I wanna hug that thing! XDD

End of UtaOni Post and below is just my personal ramblings and whining so don't read if you don't want to bore yourself..

I am SO VERY pissed off. Why is there always a severely gender biased parent in this household? I don't get it. I never asked anything that caused so much trouble before. I never came home later than 8 and that was also because school projects caused me to end late. I never did anything despicable in the house. So why confine me so much? I wouldn't say yeah I'm a grown up adult but AT LEAST I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND STAY AWAY FROM TROUBLE WHEN I GO OUT WITH MY FRIENDS. WTH? You expect me to stay in the house 24/7 till my holidays are over? Only let me go out if my mum asks me to go somewhere with her. And hell, I have never heard a single comment when my brothers go out. What, cos they're guys so they're tougher and can take care of themselves more? I'm not even 15 anymore... this year I'm turning 18 and I am still ranting pathetically about this kinda thing. 
I'm so disappointed. They don't know how much I lied to my friends last time just to avoid outings with them. They don't know how I am so restricted from the outside world. They don't know how I got sick from asking them to go out with my friends. They don't know how left out I feel everytime I miss the outing. I feel so pathetic I can't find anymore words to suit the mood.
Whenever I ask to go out with friends I know what the answer will be. "What? You wanna go out? Again? So far?" And in fact. Singapore is such a tiny country you'd only need an hour to get to the other side of the island. Define "far" for me? And that "far" obviously doesn't apply to my brothers does it? Hearing that answer made me so sick I even gave up on asking. I wish I could be rebellious. Sadly I still do have a big sense of filial piety which I cannot go against.
I'm still a teenage girl and I wanna have fun with my friends...can't I do at least that much? I feel so disgusted with myself still asking the question: What have I done to deserve this?

oh-chan, rants, flail, personal

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