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dscntnuedfreak November 30 2009, 14:10:28 UTC
A squishy Nino is love! <333
This is so good, it's like this is a final product when I added a special effect on Nino's .jpg picture for example. The balance of the shading is nice! Good work!!! *thumbs up* That really doesn't look like you haven't touched color pencils for a long time.. LOL *gets bickered*

Damn, I wish I had a talent like yours. I don't know how to draw, well if you call stick-people a drawing.. then I most definitely can! Though in my defense, I do say that nothing rivals Sho's pre-school-like (nope, baby-like) drawings. So I'm still proud! Hahaha! ;)


haruchaan November 30 2009, 14:29:52 UTC
Whoa fast! XD Hahaha I like your special effects to pictures. X3 They make the picture look extra extra cute and fluffy with a dash of humour to it. LOL Yay! I'm glad it turned out fine. Lol I stole old colour pencils from my bro and used it. XD *bricked*

LOL *remembers the times her drawings were like Sho's* XD Hahaha it helps if you like drawing and is persistent to get it right! I practiced drawing alot too..


dscntnuedfreak November 30 2009, 14:39:02 UTC
I stopped our Ohmiya session the last time, but I really wanna do that again!

Ok back to the topic...
Really? I know the editings aren't that good because I haven't learned using Photoshop yet but if you say I add humor to the pic, then THANKS! *huggles* I'm glad I make people laugh! Hahaha~

That's like Ohno right? Practice, practice, practice, practice (and not listen to the professor or even take down notes!) LOL! I'm surprised Ohno has the guts to do that on a Math class? Is he that bored? I know it's boring but most people tend to listen a lot (not to mention the serious nosebleed?) during those times so they can at least solve/grasp the math problems. Right? Here I go again with the blabs. Gomen! :D


haruchaan November 30 2009, 14:44:42 UTC
I want to too! :DDD So much fun analyzing their relationship. Hahaha!

Lol yes, if you haven't realized your picspams always crack me up or make me go awwwwwww.

Hahaha Ohno. XD Wait, what math class are you talking about? Lol *lost*


dscntnuedfreak November 30 2009, 14:47:11 UTC
Yeah, let's do that again! I'm "studying" so I'm acting busy right now. Hahaha!

Gee, thanks again! ILU! <333

Oh, his Math notebook remember? It doesn't contain notes but his manga, and even his textbooks.. they contain drawings! LOL! I confused you again with my blabs. =/


haruchaan November 30 2009, 14:53:58 UTC
Lol same here. XDD

:DDDDb Lol was that from an interview, or show? OTL I fail as a fan. LOL OH NOES. I was too fascinated by his awesomeness and missed it. XDD *bricked* Nah I enjoy the blabs!


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