
Sep 03, 2009 15:10

Because I'm sort of a bit dumb and forgot I was tagged.. XD

Tagged by varziel

Tagging.. All on my flist. You know who you are. >D *Glares at you and you and you*

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
NOBODY. 8D Unless you want to count the 5x10 dvd. XD

Have you ever lied to get out of work?
Totally yes. Who hasn't?

What kind of books do you read?
... I er, stopped reading books. Ever since I left secondary school. LOL Do fics count? I read those almost everyday..

What are some goals you would like to achieve in the next ten years?
I..have no idea. O.O| I don't and haven't really planned out this kind of thing. :/ If I had to say I want to go to Japan/London/Dubai/Turkey. And work in a forensic science lab.

What's really creepy?
ALL INSECTS especially worms and cockroaches. Nope. Not even butterflies.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Crush? i wouldn't call it a crush but I do like Ohno Satoshi. Alot..

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

What song gets stuck in your head most often?
Right now its "Everything"'s chorus. The ~aka kara ao ni kawaru signaru~

What's your favorite food that you eat over and over again and not get bored of?
Peanut butter? LOL XD And fried stuff..

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, hotmail, failblog, youtube and some other random sites.

What was the last thing you bought?
New clothes for Eid. Pretty ocean blue color

What talent (which you think you don't possess) do you wish to have?
Flexibility. Is that a talent? :/ *Sits down quietly beside Sho* XD

What super power would you like to have?
Flying. I seriously wanna get over my major fear of heights. =_=

What is your zodiac sign?
Saggitarius. (Same with Ohno XD.

Do you want to learn another language?
Definitely. Its fun. Although I'll ultimately mix up english, malay and japanese together.

5 things you can't live without:
Laptop, family, .. eating... sleep, and friends.

If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
Can it be the whole of Arashi? Or at least Riida as the representative. XD

What's your dream job?
Forensic Criminalistics. (Forensics in a crime lab)

What are you looking forward to?
Eid. :D 19th Sept?

Say something to the person who tagged you:
I keep remembering that picture of Nino in your journal. XDD You sure chose a good private-looking pic. XDD

And er, my posts need Arashi prettiness to be complete.

You can just tell me its my imagination but you enlarge that pic and tell me where Nino is looking. :|

I'm seriously NOT complaining, just making an observation.. There's really not much reason for Nino to be so glued to Ohno.. (But it pleases my eyes so who the hell cares.) XDD

meme, otp, arashi

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