Title: dejitaru nebaarando (Digital Neverland)
Chapter: 02/16
harucchi Genre: AU!! Romance, drama... failed comedy? :D
Rating: R-NC17
Bands: Ayabie, alice nine.
Pairings: AoixTakehitoxAoi, TakehitoxOC, others...
Warnings: Language? A young Yume and Hiroto... blogwhores, blackmail, eventual smut, underage drinking and smoking, etc. xD
Summary: There was
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Comments 10
Gah. Aoi, you whore. -hack- Yume is cute~.
Bahaha you know I love my whores xP
But Ao-chan isn't really a whore in this like... Takeru *cough* xDDD
He only gets with those 2 xD
...unless I decide to edit it >=D
Yupyup~~ Yume is squishy xDDDD -squishes him- o_O
I kinda like it more as NaoXAoi than on OC cause it's kinda cuter, maybe cause i know what they both look like XD
Ah, okay~
That's good then ^__^
I'm becoming to love that pairing xD
...they're both caffeine addicts, it's great xD
You MUST continue this soon. *prods with cookies* I can't wait to see what happens at the party!! 8D
(C'mon, I mean have you SEEN his Deathbie costumes xD?!)
I have it all done
I just need to edit everything and replace OCs with alice nine. xDDD;
and don't hurt me for the NaoxAoi smut
Yay! I would never hurt you over smut. Believe me. ;D
Ayabie's 3rd anniversary (2nd part, just cause Kenzo is singing xD Aoi is standing next to Yume)
And after Kenzo's singing there's Deathbie Aoi
Omg he looks like a prostitute xD; (I ALWAYS SAY THAT AHUJASIGH... oh wait til later chapters >D)
There's one of him in a maid costume
Omfg it's so cute xDD;
Also Deathbie~
Playing Sanbyou and some other songs before then
But Sanbyou is the only one where they dress as Deathbie~
enjoy xD
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