
Sep 12, 2009 12:27

[music| Kagrra - Sai]

I think me and Momoyo have found a new haunt for Monday afternoons now. o(≧∇≦)o We went to this cupcake shop called BTS Cafe on Pirie Street on Monday! The cupcakes there are sooooo good! Lookie!

They had baby cakes and proper cupcakes. Me and Momoyo got the baby cakes at first, but then they were so good so we got another big, proper one to share. (゚∀゚) They're not as pretty as the ones in one other shop in the city, but the price and taste of it far beats that place! o(≧∇≦)o The buttercream isn't excessive (yes, despite the pic showing it it's actually not that much, the cake rises quite a bit...^^;;), and neither was it too sweet. I'm so addicted the one called C+C, it's chai flavoured cream and chai cake! Soooo good! Will definitely go back there again! Bought one for me and James yesterday too! (*´∀`*) The decor for the place is lovely as well! Pink wallpaper, with iron-wrought furniture, chandeliers and plush sofas! (o^-')b Soooo elegant and sweet! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Anyway, been going to Carrick for 2 weeks now....and i'm still not sure abt how i'm supposed to teach. I did do an hour plus of teaching last week, but sigh.....i think i need to have more confidence! The students there are really nice, and i get along well with a few of fact i don't think they even see me as a student teacher...-_-lll I'm gonna try and teach again on Thursday. It's not THAT bad actually, coz the textbooks that they're using has everything carefully planned out, and is really suitable for ppl who are just starting to teach so....^^;; Sigh, i wish i was better at public speaking...though, it's funny, when i asked for feedback my supervisor teacher actually said she couldn't tell i was nervous despite me nearly dying of fright inside....(゚∀゚) But anyway, i've already done an hour, so.....5 more hours of proper teaching to go, and then i can get my qualifications! (o^-')b

I've been reading Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre recently...and i couldn't help comparing it to Villette. Same strong, seemingly cold heroine, same dark and mysterious love interest, same dark secrets in both houses (Mrs. Rochester in Jane Eyre and the ghostly nun in Villette), and then there's the lively, lovely and popular girl who's meant to contrast the heroine.....I'm only half-way through so i guess the exciting things haven't happened yet, but honestly, it's sooooo similar to Villette, though to be fair i think Jane Eyre is a lot more interesting, since i did find Villette kinda dry as nothing really happens....^^;; (I had to do an essay and presentation on it and i had to force myself to think of things to write...-_-lll) Hmm, I wonder if Shirley is the same as well...

Also, Dorian Gray and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs will only be released in Australia at the end of the year...-_-lll Grrr!!! I hate how Australia is so much slower than most of the English speaking world. It's ridiculous! Just coz we happen to be at the other side of the earth doesn't mean we're not important! ヽ(`Д´)ノ Up just came out on Thursday too! Me and James were planning to watch it yesterday but we didn't have enough time week! orz
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