More Monopoly!!! (゚∀゚)

Aug 19, 2009 14:32

[music| Kagrra - Rasen]

I think we're (meaning James, Laurence, Heeyeon and me) are all adddicted to board games these days. (゚∀゚) We originally only planned to have dinner and just watch a movie at James and Laurence's place yesterday, but after all that we ended up playing The Game of Life as well, and it was really good. Heeyeon was gonna go back after that coz she had a class a 8 in the morning, but James and Laurence bullied her into staying for another game of Pixar Monopoly...^^;; Btw here's a pic of the board! It's cute!

It was really funny coz we decided to not be compassionate and play a really ruthless game where ppl have to truly pay off their debts, as before this we were trading properties or lending them to the ppl we owed money to, which were against the rules....^^;; We thought that being ruthless would be fun and make the game shorter, but surprisingly, it actually took longer than usual...-_-lll We ended up playing from 12 till 3.30 in the morning...o_O Although it was fun, it was also extremely stressful...^^;; Coz no matter how much money you have they can be gone in like a flash if you land on someone's property, as by the middle of the game most ppl already had multiple houses and hotels on their lots....-_-lll I thought i was gonna die a few times, but i ended up surviving through the worst....and i actually won the game! o(≧∇≦)o Laurence died first, as he landed on one of my hotels and had to give me all his property, then Heeyeon landed on one of my hotels, folded and gave me her property, and in the end, James, whom we all thought would eventually win, actually died as well so....i ended up owning everything! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

I don't think i've ever played a game of Monopoly like this was really really fun! (゚∀゚)

Speaking of Pixar, there's gonna be a Toy Story 3!!!! o(≧∇≦)o I really can't wait! It's only gonna come out next year, but still! There's so many films i want to watch next year! Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story 3, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and some others which i can't remember. I was also watching some trailers on Youtube a few days ago, and i saw this film called Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and it seems so cute! I really wanna watch it! (*´∀`*) Same with Planet 51 as well!

Also, i've recently gotten nostalgic and was watching Sesame Street! (゚∀゚) Was watching Kermit's News Flash a lot, man i love Kermit! He's soooooo cute and funny! I remember watching all these every Sunday morning as a kid....good times, real good times. ヽ(´ー`)ノ A lot of the stuff i enjoyed as a kid i don't like them anymore now, but for Sesame Street, it's different, they're still as good as ever. Here's one clip that i find incredibly adorable!

Cookie Monster and Kermit! o(≧∇≦)o I love how the Cookie Monster suddenly goes all deep and stuff by saying 'Frog, enough, in life, not all guessing games, frog.'  o(≧∇≦)o *dies* Man i love Sesame Street SOOOOOO much!!! (*´∀`*)

Anyway, gotta go get ready for uni, toodles!
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