Need more food...

Aug 02, 2009 16:20

[music| Glay - Hello My Life]

Had this for breakfast a few days ago.

Cherries and mandarins (with milktea too of course!)!! o(≧∇≦)o It's mandarin season now, so they're everywhere, which is good coz i absolutely LOVE those tiny little ones. Not sure if it's cherry season but i'm not complaining since they're relatively cheap now. I usually get a bag and it'll last me for a few days. They're absolutely HEAVENLY! Man i love fruits! And i think it's nashi pears' season now too, since i'm seeing a lot of them now. Mmm, fruits are good! ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bought James a bag a bananas and nashi pears too coz he's been eating just chocolate in the morning...-_-lll

Anyway, attempted to study this afternoon....which resulted in epic fail-ness...-_-lll I can't seem to concentrate. And we have a 1,000 word essay due on Thursday too, and it needs to be fully referenced....-_-lll It's ridiculous! A full essay on the 2nd week! ヽ(`Д´)ノ I guess it's coz i'm still sluggish due to the break. Hopefully i'll break out of it next week, when my uni life starts to get a bit more organized. So i guess it's gonna be library library library all the time for me again this semester....not that i'm complaining since i guess i do enjoy reading stuff, and it makes me feel like i'm actually doing something....(゚∀゚)

Also my ribs are feeling a LOT better now! ヽ(´ー`)ノ Me and James kinda worked out what might have possibly happened. His bed has really awful springs, and James had backpains after sleeping on it one afternoon, and so now we were wondering if one of the springs might have bounced out one night and hit me in the ribs without me knowing. Well, sounds more plausible than him hugging me too tightly or him punching me in his sleep anyway....(゚∀゚) It also sounds really dangerous too if you think abt it....o_O

Will be going out for Korean bbq with Ino, Ryo, Momoyo and the others this weekend, and we might go karaoke and then drinking after that! Can't wait! It's been so long since we've had a night out together! o(≧∇≦)o And speaking of night outs, me and James went out and watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Friday night...and...well, i'm not sure if i like it...-_-lll Maybe i've forgotten too much of what happened in the previous film, but a lot of the film didn't make sense to me. Things happened way too fast and sometimes no explanations were given whatsoever...-_-lll Meh, and i thought it'd be good since it got pretty good reviews....orz
On the other hand, i can't wait till Coraline comes out! o(≧∇≦)o Really want to watch that! It looks awesome, AND it's based on the book by Neil Gaiman! ヽ(´ー`)ノ And yes i know Australia is lame. The film'll only come out this Friday...-_-lll
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