[music| Glay - Survival]
My god at this rate i'm never going to get any of my work done....orz I seriously sat in front of my computer and basically wasted 2 hours away...orz Youtube is evil, seriously. ヽ(`Д´)ノ The assignment due on Wednesday is so screwed. And i realize that i can't get an extension for it either coz we're supposed to do a presentation on it. -_-lll I think i know what i have to do, and i already made a plan or something for it, but...i can't be bothered. -_-lll I think i seriously need to go to the library tomorrow. Or...this is the preferred option, despite it being really dangerous...I should stay at the library all day on Monday. With the way things are going now, i think that's how it will end up.....-_-lll I'm just feeling really really REALLY lazy these days...god and i have another assignment due on the 6th...grrrr....
On the bright side, i've got my lunch partners scheduled for half of next week already....(゚∀゚) I really hate eating lunch alone. ^^;;
Anyway, yesterday, me, Momoyo, Jason, Ino, Ryo and Kee went to Marion. We were supposed to go bowling, but they didn't have any free lanes till 9 and we didn't want to wait since it was only like....7. So, instead we decided to go to Jason's house and play Wii instead. We played a bit of Mario Party. It was good fun. o(≧∇≦)o The guys were really amused when the can shaking game came up...-_-lll Me and Momoyo went back early though, coz Jason lives near Flinders and we had to catch the 10-ish bus back to the city. But it was still fun anyway. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Also, i finally started reading Heart no Kuni no Alice's manga. I only read up to Chapter 2, coz that's all i could find. I can't find any raws of them either. (;´Д`;) I really wanted to read the rest! I don't like how they've 'shoujo-fied' Alice, since her being all fiery and sarcastic is what made me love her so much in the first place, but on the plus side, the art is really good, even better than the game...^^;; Maybe i should ask Hengtee to help me get them from Japan....? (゚∀゚)
By the way, i've been feeling very icky lately, coz i feel like i've been eating nothing but junk these few months. I'm not really a health conscious person, but i do make sure that i have at least 1 serving of vegetables or fruit each day. Back home my mom would either buy freshly cut fruits or cut them herself for us every single day. And for dinner there would always be at least 1 pure veggie dish. Sometimes 2 actually....^^;; But recently, after not cooking with my friends anymore, i've been eating loads of frozen veggies, and a small bowl of lettuce with gomadare sauce with dinner. I don't know, it just doesn't feel as healthy as real cooked vegetables. -_-lll Isn't lettuce mostly water anyway....? Maybe i should eat something other than iceberg lettuce...-_-lll It's just not nice cooking alone...i hate this! Especially coz i eat like a bird, buying ingredients and cooking them bit by bit is such a waste of money. And since i hate leftover food as well....this is really bad....orz