Title: Lost and found
haru_haru_21 Genre: Shouta con(?), Smutt, Romace, Angst (a bit), fluff,
Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (will be notified)
Summary: When someone looses something, they find something. When someone finds something, they lose something. That’s just how life works, right? ;
Chapter five:
Ji Yong was out the door in flash after the shout he had gotten from Seung Hyun. The older sighed and threw slapped the vase that was on top of a nearby table as it shattered in to pieces, lying on the ground. He had lost it. Seung Hyun was just unable to control the anger that had built up since Ji Yong had come; this had been the last straw before the final blow.
With all the trouble from work, Seung Hyun hated to have to deal with something else after he came home. He sat down on the floor with clenched fist, trying to calm down and think of a proper solution.
After sometime, he felt a bit guilty of letting the other boy just leave but could normal people handle all this mishaps. Yes it was childish for Seung Hyun to freak out like that, but his patience was thin at that moment.
He sighed heavily and turned the lights on and grabbing his coat and keys as he headed out the door. Honest to goodness it was four in the morning and now he was looking for a boy who was dressed up in girl. Seung Hyun knew the regret that would come to this as the after effect but as off right now, it was Ji Yong and his job he was risking.
Since it was raining outside and he figure maybe Ji Yong wasn’t too far away, Seung Hyun took his umbrella with him as he walked ahead. The city had the bright lights twinkle like stars at this time, a musky smell around the atmosphere.
Seung Hyun had somewhat of a sense Ji Yong might be nearby. The kid was tough, but he knew well that he was a softy on the inside. Going in a nearby club, he spotted Ji Yong, drunk, flopped against the bar table.
“Get up” Seung Hyun said quietly.
“Make me” Ji Yong retorted back, realizing the voice anywhere. The younger was upset with the other over his offer to make peace. Seung Hyun was too stiff for all he cared.
“Ji Yong this is not the time, get up while I’m nice” the older stated.
“Or what, huh? What are you going to do? Rape me? Sell me - ”
Seung Hyun slapped Ji Yong, hard on the cheek. “How dare you say that to me?” the older shouted back as the crowd looked towards them. At that, Seung Hyun grabbed the other and headed out the door before throwing some bills at the bartender.
The younger had started to cry, but it was soft muffles. Seung Hyun dragged the other all the way to his house, and pushed him a little to sit on the couch.
“What’s your problem? Is disrespecting a hobby for you? You know very well what kind of person I am, better yet, by doing all this, you are just hurting yourself, got that?” Seung Hyun shouted, the echoes bouncing of the grey halls.
Ji Yong started to wail and got up to punch Seung Hyun right against his chest. The other took it and just stood,
“You - you know nothing! I f**king hate you!” the younger said through the waterworks coming out from his eyes, still throwing his anger at Seung Hyun.
“....sorry....” came a voice after a long time from the older as he hugged Ji Yong close to his chest as the other automatically harnessed around those strong arms.
Both of them were wet and dirty after they finally let go,
“Sorry about all the stuff I did....” Ji Yong said, now through hiccups.
“You know, I understand that your father just died and it might be an emotional stage for you, but causing all this trouble won’t get you anywhere. You have to value yourself more, there are people who love you, Ji Yong” Seung Hyun said, resting his hand on the other’s shoulder, giving a genuine smile.
Ji Yong’s heart stopped. No one had ever said that they loved him, yeah, occasionally, just for the moment; but how the other said it really made him feel good.
“Yeah?” the younger questioned softly, coming a bit closer.
“Of course! You know, right now, your pretty important to me - ”
He was silenced by a tight hug from the younger as he buried his head against Seung Hyun’s chest. The older stumbled upon the sudden weight, but he found himself stroking the soft blonde hair and hugging back.
“I’m guessing you haven’t had dinner yet?” Seung Hyun asked. Ji Yong nodded, but still clung on to Seung Hyun as he made his way towards the kitchen to look for something appropriate for him. The older finally decided on some rice and left over chicken,
“Go sit, I’ll come when I’m finished” Seung Hyun said, busying himself over the washing the uncooked rice. Ji Yong nodded again and went to sit on the dining table chair, watching the other cook and work. The younger admired the effort Seung Hyun put into everything and his kindness. The fact that he was still nice to Ji Yong was really shocking for him, usually people would have thrown him out. The man was patient and it was really attracted Ji Yong.
“Here you go, um, sorry if this is bad - ”
“No, I’ll eat it!” Ji Yong said as he practically scarfed the food down. It was really good and it felt warm, the kid of warmness he had wished for a long time.
“Slow down, you might choke on something!” Seung Hyun laughed as he rubbed the piece of rice that was stuck on Ji Yong’s lips with his thumb.
“Can we be, you know, civil with each other? I really want to actually be able to talk to you, so can we try it out?” the older offered, looking down at the carpet.
“Yeah....sorry....again..” Ji Yong said as he reached for Seung Hyun’s hand for a shake. Although. the so called” friendship” might take another turn because as soon as their hands touched a sort of electrical bolt feeling went up Ji Yong’s arm and streaked his heart. The feeling was definitely foreign.
A/N: I have to brag about a gift I recieved a few days ago, here it goes......
atenais_pala made me a banner for my story "The demon and his flower", isn't it awesome \^o^/ She is so talented ;)
Oh and if your reading this, I <3 yousss unnie ^///^
Here is the banner~
Oh and thank you for all the encouragements for school, really helps through the day, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3