Title: Lost and found
haru_haru_21 Genre: Shouta con(?), Smutt, Romace, Angst (a bit), fluff,
Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (will be notified)
Summary: When someone looses something, they find something. When someone finds something, they lose something. That’s just how life works, right?
Chapter two
The small pair of lips that had fallen against Seung Hyun rested there for a bit, the feeling electrifying and hot. The older tried to push the other off but found himself lost in another world as the kiss somewhat deepened as Ji Yong moved them time to time. Seung Hyun was still with his eyes widened like a fool.
“Yah! You’re supposed to close your eyes and move your lips in the kiss, not stand straight like a wall....” Ji Yong said, words overlapping one another. He had pulled away from Seung Hyun and it seems that the older froze right then. “Wanna try again?” Ji Yong asked seductively.
Seung Hyun, unaware of what to do, left for his room as he shut the door loudly. He touched his lips, he had never kissed before. Seung Hyun couldn’t help but groan for the fact that a jerk hap stolen his first kiss. Frankly, he didn’t even know how to kiss someone. It might seem funny that a 23 old man was this naive but it was a problem since he was young. Seung Hyun stopped being social with others when his father died. He then put all his mind and effort all into making a prosperous career.
Then he heard a loud knock from his door, “Seung Hyun, open the door!!” Ji Yong called out, continuing the noisy hitting against the wood frame. The older hesitated a bit before slowly opening it. Seung Hyun was met by a pair of hands that hugged his neck. The younger rested his head slightly above his heart.
“Why did you leave me?” Ji Yong asked after a long time.
“Ji Yong, just-just go to be-bed, okay?” Seung Hyun stuttered as he freed himself from the death grip.
“You’re no fun!” the other pouted as he fell backwards and Seung Hyun automatically caught the small figure.
Seung Hyun sighed a bit and then carried Ji Yong to his room, noticing that he hadn’t unpacked at all. He put the other on the bed and went to rummage through the small suitcase he had brought. Seung Hyun let out a bit of a gasp when he found stashes of drugs and a bunch of condoms with a few change of clothes.
So he took them out and decided to talk with Mr. Kwon after she gets back, hiding them somewhere behind the closet. Even though Ji Yong was in the age where he can do almost everything, Seung Hyun could never trust drugs.
After putting away the few clothes Ji Yong brought, he went over to his room and tried to get a good night sleep, though is mind still spun about the ‘kiss’.
Seung Hyun woke up at 7 the next morning, sleepily making his way towards the washroom to take shower. Since today was his day off, he had figured to finish up the reports and cold water always helped him work better.
As usual, after the shower he made himself coffee and went downstairs to his study to work. As he wrote, he couldn’t help but think of Ji Yong and what he might be doing. Seung Hyun sighed to himself as he got up and fixed up some breakfast and grabbed an aspirin, walking to his room.
He gently knocked the door and waited from a reply. After a few minutes of silence, Seung Hyun went ahead and slowly turned the door knob and entered the room. Setting the tray of breakfast aside, he went to Ji Yong’s bed and ever so quietly called him, “Ji Yong? I’ve brought breakfast....”.
“mmmmmmm............” came a groan from the other as he shifted to a different side of the bed. Seung Hyun sighed and shook and bit harder this time, “whaaaa?” Ji Yong asked, annoyed as he rubbed his eyes.
“Um, breakfast?” Seung Hyun said, bringing the tray in front of Ji Yong.
“Oh....thanks....” the other replied sipping the orange juice. Seung Hyun nodded as he walked to the door, “And, um....yeah....sorry about the thing yesterday...” Ji Yong muttered out before the other closed the door.
Ji Yong sighed as he continued to eat the breakfast he was served and realized that his clothes were all nicely arranged. Seung Hyun was being too nice to him, after all no one really cared anyways. Ji Yong had a bumpy past that caused him to rebellious, but he shuddered every time when the thoughts came to him.
“stop..... stop!” Ji Yong cried out and tried to push the older man against him, but had no luck. He was sucking bitting his neck roughly, drawing blood every time. “Dad....” he called out.
“Just stay quite or you know what’s going to happen...” the man said before Ji Yong was lost with the unbearable pain.
A/N: Yesh, I have finally decided to make a banner for the story....it's not the best but I hope you like it =^^=b Sorry for the short chapter, but I just had to end it here or I might have.....yeah! On that though, since school is opening soon, my updates are going to die down -_-+ but, I will update ^^
Oh and I opened a deviantArt acount, any one have one? Its
Geogitmal @ deviant :)