LJ and IJ (but not GJ)

Jan 07, 2009 11:42

Hi. Well, since I'm somewhat worried about the dropping of LJ -and the firing of almost half the San Francisco staff!- I've created another backup journal. You can now find me at http://editornia.insanejournal.com (this is only, as I say, a backup journal. I'll still be posting here on LJ mostly. It's... just in case, I guess you could say). I'm also thinking of joining Twitter, if only to keep up with friends from here if LJ runs into Much More Trouble, and starts to... I can't even type it. But it's dredded, and we don't want that to happen. So, let's not think about it, shall we? *hums loudly and distractedly*

So! *fakes bright, cheery smile* What have Y'all been up to, while my internets were down last weekend?

lj, hi, apocalypse?

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