movies & more movies & rousseau

Oct 04, 2008 10:58

I didn't realize that the director of the movie of 'the road' is the same guy who did 'the proposition,' (read about it at: and so I'm starting to get a little more excited about the prospect of another of my favorite books getting made into a movie, especially because 'blindness' did not disappoint (yes I realize that this is irrational since these two movies are unconnected). f the woman who compared 'blindness' to "an arthouse adaptation of day of the triffids" -obviously that was just the only post-apocalypse book she had ever read and she didn't know what else to compare the movie to. I didn't see any giant man eating plants walking around in 'blindness' - let me know if you did, guys, maybe I just missed it! I half wish I had the patience to find that stupid review again so that I could comment on it but it's not worth the time.

what if I wrote my big paper on rousseau as a predictor of the dissolution of society! it's in there, people. people call him the great champion of democracy, but he in fact said that a true democracy never had and never could exist (direct quote at Social Contract 3.4.3) - but also that it was necessary for an ideal society to come about. and that population increase was not only the sign of a successful government but also the precursor to the inevitable collapse of that government. there are all kinds of weird contradictions in rousseau that imply that there is a very pessimistic conclusion aimed at beneath the surface. I probably won't do that though. I don't know. maybe. hmm.
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