
Feb 15, 2003 08:59

------------------HAVE YOU EVER---- --------------
* ever been so drunk you blacked out: no.
* missed school because it was raining: yeah.
* told a guy that you liked them?: yes.
* had a crush on a friends' boyfriend: yes.
* dated someone for over a year: middle school doesn't count.
* been hurt emotionally: yeah.
* kept a secret from everyone: yes
* wanted to hook up with a friend: yes.
* cried during a movie?: no.
* gotten into a physical fight?: yes!
* been on stage: yes.
* cut your hair: yes.
* had a crush on a teacher? i can't remember.
* ditched a class: yes.
* failed a class: many.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* do you ever wish you had another name? sometimes.
* do you love anyone? yeah.
* who have you known the longest of your friends: Scoot...then ali.
* who's the loudest: ali?
* who's the shyest: me.
* who's the funniest: ali.
* who's the smartest: scott.
* who's the most understanding: ali.
* who's the most sensitive: ---
* friends you trust: ali nicole skot.
* are you close to any family members: no.
* who do you go to for stuff? ali.
* who do you hang around the most? ali.
* when do you cry the most: last nite.


[1] What is your name backwards? .sruoy naht retteb
[2] Where do you live? augusta.
[3] Describe yourself in 4 words: really bored and sad.
[4] Who is your worst enemy? anyone who makes 'theorys' bout me.
[5] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? anyone that stays alive.
[6] What is the latest you've ever stayed out? when i use to not come home.
[7] Ever been to Belgium? no, i've been to italy - does that count?
[8] What's your favorite coin? quarters get you gum.

Describe your...

[9] Wallet: dirty.
[10] Brush: i have two i don't use.
[11] Toothbrush: getting old.
[12] Jewelry worn daily: one ring, two bracelets and plugs.
[13] Pillow cover: matches my comforter set.
[14] Blanket: wool.
[15] Coffee Cup: empty.
[17] Underwear: clean.
[18] Shoes: moldy.
[19] Handbag: big.
[21] Favorite Pants: in the washing machine.
[22] Cologne/Perfume: mmm victoria's secret.
[23] CD in stereo right now: the starting line.
[24] Wearing: plaid pjs.
[25] Hair: wet.

What/Who [Is/Are]

[26] In my mouth: a wire behind my front bottom teeth.
[27] In my head: anything that doesn't involve homework.
[28] Wishing: my senior project would get done all on its own.
[29] After this: i'm finishing my laundry
[30] Talking to: no one, but watching my dog snore.
[31] Eating: ---
[32] Do you like candles: i keep them in the bathroom.
[33] Do you like hot wax: on my fingertips.
[34] Do you like incense: when im not burned with it.
[35] Do you like the taste of blood: not on my chin, my gums, or palms.
[36] Fetishes: are meant to be secrets.
[40] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? this wouldn't look good during my trial.
[41] Person you wish you could be with right now: takea guess.
[42] What/Who is next to you: dog.
[43] What do you want done with your body when you die: give my heart to you, bury the rest.
[44] Do you believe in love: yes.
[45] Do you believe in soulmates: yes, sometimes they are dogs.
[46] Do you believe in love at first sight: if you don't, look again.
[47] Do you believe in heaven: mmhmm
[48] Do you believe in forgiveness: sometimes.
[49] Do you believe in God: unless he strikes down upon theeme. until then, no.
[50] What's something that you wish people would understand: me.
[51] What's something you wish you could understand better: why my hands are always cold.
[52] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow today: ali will call me to hang out..


Name: better than yours.
Single or taken?: s . i . n . g . l . e .
nickname(s): tiny.
Height: five four.
Hair: constantly getting shorter.
Siblings: one.
What are you wearing right now: this is a repeat.
Birthdate: one month and one day after hers.
Age: seventeen.
Sign: leo.
Where do you live: is this a repeat also?
Sex: not having it.
Best Friend(s)?: a couple.
Righty or lefty: right.
Who's the last person that called you: ali.
Kind of Shampoo: the kind in the shower
What are you most scared of?: i dont get scared.
What are you listening to right now?: my washing machine stopping adn my dryer still on.
What is your dream car?: something that i can drive
Favorite subject in school: recess doesn't happen anymore.
CD or TAPE?: my choices are limited.


Boxers or briefs: boxers.
Long or short hair: pretty hair.
Tall or short: t-a-l-l
Six pack or Built arms?: built arms ((but more lanky)).
Tan or fair: oh baby times two.
Dimples: i never did like slater.
Stubble or neatly shaved: stubble hurts my cheeks.
Studly or cute: hot hot hot.

Chocolate, white chocolate, or milk chocolate? whoa, i have a hershey's chocolate bar in my purse. thank you survey.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: sexxxy.
Are you better at talking or listening?: typing or reading?
Vanilla or Chocolate?: mix it up.
Skating, Blading, or Biking?: or walking or running or jogging or laying or sleeping or washing or drying or reading or cleaning.
Day or Night?: you have it wrong, frank sinatra said night and day.
Summer or winter?: its georgia.
Chrome or gold?: silver
Diamond or pearl?: pearl necklaces, gross.
Have you ever broke/sprained/fractured a bone?: not yet.
Piercings or no: 3 [in ear] ((use to be 4))
What's your favorite color: pink
Do you wear any rings?: 1.
What do you dream about?: someone is usually naked.
Do you have a HUGE crush on someone right now? : perhaps, if they remember me. ;)

that's all? that's lame.
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