Inspec you are now mine!:

Aug 29, 2010 00:07

I'm now three weeks into working for the University of Illinois again (I was a sysadmin for them 8 years ago). I'm enjoying it thus far. The people I work with are ones I get along with. My particular job (fixing mechanical vacuum pumps) is fairly greasy and grimy, but that's old hat for me. I've been doing various forms of mechanical repair for a long time.

I actually repair a broader array of equipment than just the pumps, but there is a backlog of them, so that's the main work for a while.

I've already started making use of some of the bennies of the job. I have online access to a wide array of online research databases and the libraries of the University. I pretty regularly go chasing down research articles and have often been blocked by paywalls from getting the full text. No more. *muwahahaha*
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