Apr 14, 2003 00:12
AHHHHH....I can't hear worth a shit, can barely speak, have a couple bruised ribs, and can't bend my knees...yep, that's right, I just got back from the concert, lol :-P Okay, for those of you who know me in person, you know I'm a fairly little girl. A fairly little girl that was in a mosh pit. With several 200 pound guys. By myself since I got seperated from my group of friends. Now let me ask you this...do you think I cared? HELL NO! I was having the time of my life rockin' out by myself, LMAO. I couldn't see too well from where I was cuz even though I was pretty close to the stage, everyone that was closer than me was also taller than me. But I did have a clear view of Joely the whole time pretty much.
The concert rocked so hard. It was seriously awesome. The opening band wasn't too great...I hadn't ever heard of them before though...they're called the Disasters...don't know if any of you know of them, but they were alright I suppose, just not all that interesting to me. Less than Jake was really fun, the crowd was probably the craziest for them surprisingly.
GC was awesome, like I even need to say that. I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't gotten to go to your shows yet, but I'll just say it was really great. Joely beatboxed :-D Him and Benj did most of the talking, I don't think Billy or Paul got to say anything, but then again I couldn't really see anyone but Joel and Billy, so I dunno. The guys did a really emotional speech before "Hold On"...it was quite touching actually. Then we rocked out to "Grand Rapids Worldwide" LMAO...I'm sure we're no Waldorf, but it was cute how they did that.
NFG was pretty good...I like them alot, but by the time the first three bands were done, we were all dying of dehydration and mosh-pit injuries, so we decided to take a break, buy some tour shirts, get something to drink, and then come back in and kinda chill in the back of the G.A. section with the more subdued fans, lol. My roommate's sister got one of their guitar picks, I'm jealous.
We didn't end up getting the backstage passes...basically the guy said that even if he got them for us and the DeltaPlex security let us in that GC's security probably wouldn't. So that was a bummer, but it didn't really even put a dent in our excitement level. I'm still buzzing, it was sooo fun. I wish I could have gotten closer to the stage, but I seriously would have gotten killed, no doubt. My roommates were up there for awhile and they had to be crowd surfed over to the security guards so they could get out of the middle so they didn't get crushed, and they're both a lot bigger than I am, so if they were getting crushed, I would have been trampled. I was still in the middle of a lot of crazy people, but there was a little more room to move out of the way if someone was being shoved at me. I was close enough to see all their faces clearly though, so I guess I was close enough. I really wanted to touch Joely's hand *sniffle* but oh well. Anyway, I'm fricken worn right the hell out, so I'm going to bed now. I'm sure you'll probably all have questions for me, so go ahead and ask away, and I'll try to give more specific details later.
Tori and Beej, sorry I didn't get to meet them and give them your hello's. Better luck next time I guess. Oh and there weren't many bushes around, Tor, so I guess it's alright that I didn't get to meet Joely, we wouldn't have had anywhere to take a good picture anyway, LMAO. Maybe there will be more bushes at your show and you can just ambush him when he comes out to his tourbus. LOL...ambush...I'm a clever one, heheh! Okay really, it's bedtime for Meggie now! Goodnight all, and sweet dreams...after seeing Joel so close, I know my dreams will be!