mmhmm, yeah.

Feb 16, 2003 13:08

Borrowed this from Tori Woodden, LMAO.

What time is it: // 12:17
What is the date // 2-16-03

*Info about you*
Full Name // Megan Gilde (Or Megan Madden-Mayer, lol that sounds messed up!)
Age // 20
Sex // Female
Birthday // Feb 10
Where do you live // Allendale Michigan
Where else have you lived // McBain, Bay City, Saginaw, all MI.
Zodiac Sign // Aquarius
Nicknames // Meg, Megs, MEGGIE (said in a fat man's voice, lol don't ask), murphy, Megsta, "the short plant" (lol Tori), lots of others...can't think of them at the moment.
Where were you born // Saginaw
What hospital // Saginaw General Hospital
What are your hobbies // listening to music, singing, piano, dancing (like at clubs, I'm definitely not coordinated enough to be a ballerina or anything, lol), talking to people online, lol.
Hair color //light brown, getting that crappy red undertone again, time to re-dye it.
Ever died your hair // several several times
What color // many different colors...blonde, dark brown, dark red, burgandy, one time it ended up bright purple with flourescent peach colored streaks...oops! Hahah.
length // between chin and shoulder
Eye color // green (blue w/ contacts
Height // 4'11"
Have any pets // black cat named Jazz, dog named spot that I refuse to claim...stupid ass dog.
What's their names // yeah, see above.
What do you fear most in the world // death of loved ones (agreed, Tori)
What do you regret the most // umm...there's probably a few things, I can't think of any one major specific thing.
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be // I have something in mind but I won't post it because I don't know who might read this.
Do you have braces // no
Are you good at school // I suppose, yeah. I'd be better if I actually studied.
Shoe size // 6-1/2

Car // sunfire
Color // blue or orange
Teacher // umm, I have a lot of awesome professors this semester, I think I'll go with either Galen or Boyle.
Class // currently, I guess my LIB 314 Life Journey class.
Day of the week // don't have one
Holiday // Christmas
Season // summer
Month // umm...I guess Feb cuz it's my bday, but the v-day part of it could disappear for all I care, lol.
Sport // don't play sports, but like to watch football, basketball, and hockey.
Movie // Life or Something Like It, 15 Minutes, She's the One (seeing a pattern? anything w/ Edward Burns, lol. Except Saving Private Ryan...ick) While You Were Sleeping, O, The Faculty, Pearl Harbor, 40 Days and 40 Nights (again, a pattern...Josh Hartnett) lots and lots of others.
Actress // Sandra Bullock, Shannon Sossyman (sp?), Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts
Actor // Edward Burns, Josh Hartnett
TV. Show // Fastlane, Will & Grace, Good Morning Miami, Friends, American Idol.
Food // spaghetti
Drink // Dr.Pepper unless we're talking alcoholic, then it's Vanilla Smirnoff and Coke.
Band // Something Corporate, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, *NSYNC, Blessid Union of Souls, Chicago.
Male singer //John Mayer, Justin Timberlake
Female singer // don't think I really have one at the moment.
Saying // umm...I don't know.
Word // Grrrr (lmao is that a word?)
Brand of shoes //umm...I don't have a specific favorite, I buy whatever's cutest and cheapest.
Radio station // 104.5, 97.9, 94.5
Room in your house // my room I guess
Concert you have been to // *NSYNC
CD // Any of JM's cds.
Pizza Topping // ham (yes, I guess people from michigan are freaks for that)
State // I don't know.
City // I really liked Baltimore, but Chicago, Philly, and D.C. are pretty cool too.
Letter // J (I agree Tori, all the good guys' names start with J, haha)
Number // 11
Vacation spot // see City question
Cereal // hmm...not real sure. Maybe Rice Krispies?
Ice cream flavor // mint choc.chip, moose tracks

*This or That*
Red or Blue // Blue
Pretzels or Potato Chips // Pretzels
Jeans or Khakis // Jeans
Comedy or Drama // depends on the storyline
Computer or TV // Computer
Gold or Silver // Silver
Outgoing or Shy // depends on who I'm with
Tall or Short // short
Breakfast or Dinner // Dinner I guess
Day or Night // Night
Radio or Cd's // CDs
Internet or Phone // internet
98 degrees or O town // like them both
Happy or sad // depends on the day
Guy or girl // as in what am I or what do I prefer? I am a girl, I like guys.
Sexy or Cute // I don't get these questions, LOL, so I'm going to answer them all as what I prefer in other people I guess, lol. Cute.
Tuff or wimpy // a good balance in between, lol.
Strong or weak // what exactly is the difference between this and the above question?
Funny or hilarious // umm...riiiiiight, these questions are retarded!
Summer or winter // Summer
Love or lust // Love
Friends or family // both
Car or truck // I like to be difficult, so SUV
Dog or cat // Cat
Walk or run // Walk
Inside or outside // inside
Hurricane or Tornado // oh because they're both just so much fun. WTF?
Thunder or lightning // thunder....lightning is scary
Rain or snow // rain...snow sucks!
Hail or sleet // depends on if I'm driving in it, if so, then hail.
Sunny or cloudy // sunny
Loud or quiet // quiet
McDonalds or Burger king // McDonalds
Hardee's or Arby's // Well this is a tough question because I loooove Arby's but I throw up every time I eat there :(
Rebel or goodie-too-shoes // half and half.
Coffee or tea // neither
Coke or Pepsi // don't have a preference
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper // Definitely Dr. Pepper
White chocolate or normal chocolate // normal
Britney or Christina // both
Black or white // depends
Chocolate or vanilla // chocolate
Diary or journal // journal
Writing or typing // Typing
Cold or hot // hot
Pen or pencil // pen
Candle or incense // Candle
Plain paper or lined paper // Lined Paper
Blonde or brunette // brunette
Curly or straight // depends on the person
Blanket or sleeping bag // blanket
Shower or bath // bath
Body wash or soap // Body Wash
Perfume or Body spray // both
Wal-mart or target // both
American Eagle or Abercrombie // AE
Hamburgers or hotdogs // hamburgers
Great America or Universal Studios // never been to either
Pocahontas or Mulan // never seen either
Swimmer's ear or ear infection // What the hell is wrong with the person who made this survey?
Pop tart or toaster strudels // pop tart
Chicken or turkey // chicken
MTV or VH1 // depends on the time of day...VH1 in the morning, MTV after that
Shorts or pants // Pants
Tank tops or t-shirts // assuming it's summer, tank tops
Mandy Moore or Jessica Simpson // both
Rich and dumb or Poor and smart // how about rich and smart? lol, no, if I had to choose, then poor and smart.
Markers or colored pencils // markers
Boxers or briefs // Boxers
Nike or Adidas // both
Mercedes or BMW // don't really care, I'll never be able to afford one, lol.
Army or Navy // Navy
Orange or grape // orange
Lime or lemon // Lemon
Striped or plaid // depends
Inner or outer // say what? if this means bellybutton, then INNIE, not OUTTIE (wtf is this innER and outER shit?) lol.
Hot tub or sauna // Hot Tub
Land or water // land
Sneeze or cough // they are both just great, WTF?
Skittles or M&M's // Skittles
Truth or dare // truth
Letterman or Leno // Leno
SNL or mad TV // snl
Drummers or guitar players // guitar players

*Which way would you spell it*
Megan or Meghan // well since I AM Megan, yeah...
Lacey or Lacy // Lacy
Steven or Stephen // Stephen
Kurt or Curt // Kurt
Mark or Marc // Mark
Brandi or Brandy // Brandi
Eric or Erik // Eric
Corrine or Carine // Corrine
Kari or Carrie // how about Keri
Jackie or Jackqui // neither, it's Jacquie
Deseray or Desirae // Desirae
Ashley or Ashleigh // Ashleigh
Their or there // there
Two, too, or to // too
Here or hear // Here

*Love life*
Do you have a crush // sort of
What's his or her name // not mentioning names
How old are they // 20 I think
How long have you liked him or her // not very long
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be // hmm...Edward Burns I think, he looks like a reallly good kisser, lol.
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be // Oh man, umm...I don't know, but not anyone famous.
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee // they both suck, so neither
Do you think there is a person for everyone // I'd like to hope so
If yes, do you know who yours is // not a clue
Do you believe in love at first sight // no
Have you ever been in love // yes
What do you think love is // definitely not all that romantic crap that valentine's day promotes, it's more like a really strong friendship and a feeling that there's nobody else in the world you'd rather be with.
Do you have a b/f or g/f // no
Do you want one // it would be nice, yes
How long have you been together // duh
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f // personality I suppose
When was your first kiss // i think i was 15 or so, he was my bf but I didn't like him, lol, don't ask. But my first REAL kiss was with Mike Mitchell a few years ago.

First grade teacher's name // I don't remember
Last word you said // yeah
Last song you sang // SoCo - Konstantine, I think. It was a drunken sing-along, i don't remember, lmao.
Last meal you ate // cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast at noon, lol.
Favorite childhood cartoon // hmm...I don't remember. Probably care bears or something.
What did you hate most about school // paying attention in class.
Last person you flipped off // Umm...I think it was Mike C. on Friday night for calling me "MEGGIE", lol.
Last person you talked to on the phone// uhh...probably mom.
Last song stuck in your head // hold on - GC
What line/verse // "this world, this world is cold, but you don't have to be alone."

What's in your CD player // car - Jessica Simpson I think, I don't know why either, lol, room, JM any given thursday disc 2, downstairs, GC-TYATH, SP, and a mix cd.
What color sox are you wearing // none
What's under your bed // another bed
What's the weather like // couldn't tell ya, haven't been outside yet
What time did you wake up today // a little before noon.
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time // later

Who do you want to marry // don't know yet.
Are you going to college // yeah
If so, how long do you want to go // 4 years would be great, but I think I'm looking at 5 or 6
Where do you want to go // already going to GVSU
What is your career going to be // something with psychology or writing
Where are you going to live // couldn't tell ya
How many kids do you want // probably 2, but I don't know.
Where do you want your honeymoon // somewhere warm
What kind of car will you have // don't know.

*Have you ever*
Smoked // no
Been Drunk // yeah
Been high // no
Done drugs // no
Skinny dipped // no
Stole // no
Stayed up all night on the Internet // Yeah
Met someone off the Internet (in person) // yep
Been in a fist fight // not unless you count fighting Mike and Nick off of me on Friday when they kept tickling me, lol.
Been in a cat fight // nope
Wanted to kill someone // no
Fell off a chair // i think everyone has

Do you like your handwriting // i guess so
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why // not real sure.
Which superhero would you be // hmm...I dunno.
Do you have any piercings // Yep
Any tattoos // no
If so where are the piercings // Ears
If not, where and what do you want // if i wasn't such a baby, I'd pierce my bellybutton, but it's not gonna happen.
Are you picky // yeah i guess so
What makes you cry // just about anything can make me cry, lol.
What makes you mad // lots of things, but right now I'd be a hypocrite if I answered this the way I normally do, so I'll just say lots of things.
What do you think of Eminem // like him
Do you like cartoons // sometimes
Do you believe in heaven // not sure
Do you believe in God // I think so
Do you think there is a hell // not sure
Do you believe in the devil // not sure
When you get mad, do you swear a lot // yeah unfortunately
Got milk // downstairs, yeah
Do you have a magic 8 ball // nope
Ever worn black nail polish // yeah for halloween i think
Do you have your own TV and V.C.R // yeah
Do you believe in fate // I don't know, i guess
Do you see dead people //
Are you a good speller // yeah
Do you ever steal anything from hotels // not usually, lol.
What is your last name backwards? // edlig
Do you want to be the first person on the sun when you grow up? // uhhh...that's never really been my biggest dream, no.
Pimps - cool, scary, or illegal? // hahah well I was informed that the party I'm going to next weekend is a theme party of "Pimps and Hoes" and I get to choose which one I want to be, LMAO. That doesn't answer the question, lol, but it's relevant.

*What Do These Words Make You Think Of*
Rainbow // colors
Frog // Kermy!! Our plant downstairs, lol.
Carol // a woman's name
Solider // war
Star // the things in the sky, lol.
Ticket // concert
Breakfast // morning

*This or that*
Florida or California? // florida
Sprite or 7-UP? // definitely 7-Up
Mountains or the beach? // beach
Savage Garden or BB Mak? // BBMak
AIM or MSN Messenger? // AIM
Geography or Math? // ugh neither!
Leonardo DeCaprio - hot or not // not
Private schools or Public schools? // Public
Email or Phone? // email
Baseball or Basketball? // basketball
Do you like quieter people or extremely outgoing people? // depends
Sun or Moon? // sun
Christmas or Your Birthday? // bday
Blue or Purple? // blue
Creed or Blink-182? // Blink
Gelly Roll pens or Milky Pens? // gelly roll
Gap or Limited? // gap
Bath & Body Works or The Body Shop? // Bath & Body Works, since I work there, lol.
Australia or Africa? // Australlia
Flirting or a good conversation? // how about both.
Which is scarier: tornado, hurricane, or earthquake? // only ever lived through a tornado, but that was scary as all hell.
Middle School or High School? // neither.
Wavy/curly hair or straight hair? // depends
Blue eyes or Brown eyes? // depends on the guy, they're both great
Gelled hair or un-gelled hair (for guys)? // again, depends on the guy
Nintendo 64 or Play station? // never played 64, so I'll go with PS
Guinea Pigs or Hamsters? // Hamsters
Bikinis or Tankinis? // bikini
Hawaii or the Bahamas? // don't know

What time is it: 1:07
What's the date: 2-16-03

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