Jan 28, 2004 17:59
current clothing: jeans, dashboard sweatshirt, white tank top
current mood: antsy, haha
current taste: gum
current hair: you know, the same as always
current annoyance: my tummy
current smell: nothing
current thing you ought to be doing: studying for enviro
current jewelry: confirmation ring, engagement ring from ian
current book: umm i should be reading my dante stuff
current refreshment: soda that carly left in my car from taco bell
current worry: that my schedule is going to suck for the rest of semester
current crush: your mom
current favorite celebrity: angelina jolie, bitchez n hoez
current longing: to change my schedule!!
current music: saves the day - driving in the dark
current wish: that um, steve didn't hate me
current lyric in your head: none
current makeup (if you're a girl!): nah
current undergarments: umm a black bra that really doesn't fit under a white tank top (what the hell) and a white really really sexy thong! hahaha
current regret: living
current desktop picture: jack bauer
current plans for tonight/weekend: i forget
current cuss word du jour: bitchez n hoez
current disappointment: missing my fun play practice day yesterday
current amusement: that i was supposed to work monday and forgot to go... good thing it snowed!!
current IM/person you're talking to: no one, i just put up an away message
current love: nina
current obsession: ian and steve!!!!!!!!!
current avoidance: my comp presentation, haha, i swear that'll nevvvvvvvvvver happen
current thing or things on your wall: in my room? tomb raider 2 poster, kurt cobain poster, bunch of bands poster, incubus poster, ash poster that's signed, RENT with joey fatone poster, les miserables poster, a whole bunch of playbills, two std posters, ROTK poster waiting to be put up... other wall is like five alanis posters
current favorite book: uh, harry potter and the order of the phoenix!!
current favorite movie: uhh rotk!!!