For the first time in my personal history of AI-watching, I YouTubed a performance before the show has aired in my (slow-ass) country. I read a bunch of spoilers online and I just had to watch it for myself.
I'm feeling really sad right now, because the general consensus is that he sucked. It doesn't matter what I think since I can't vote and even if I could, I'd vote like fuck for him every week no matter how he does, so my opinion doesn't matter. As in it won't make a difference either way.
I don't really understand why everyone thought he was so bad. I was expecting a massive train wreck when I YouTubed it, and it just wasn't that terrible. I mean, yeah, the first verse was definitely out of tune (though not completely - I just have to add that), but the rest of it was pretty decent. His voice still sounds good, I actually liked the lower register on the chorus, and the last bit was really good.
I don't know, I really didn't think it was disastrous. Was it his best? Definitely not. I suppose it was his worst, but that's not saying much at all considering all his past performances were awesome.
I DON'T KNOW. I can't wrap my head around this. I'm just really sad because I'm not used to David not being the Best Evah OMG, and worse, him being in danger of hitting Bottom 3. And I was just saying yesterday that...what was I saying? I can't remember, but something along the lines of how he's pretty much out-performing himself every week, how he gets better every week, and how he has got to have a peak somewhere.
I hope he hasn't peaked with Billie Jean/Little Sparrow. I hope Innocent is the worst he'd ever get on the show, because he's SO immensely talented, and he SO needs to 1) make the finale; and maybe ('cause I still can't decide if I want this to happen) 2) win the show damn show. If he weren't amazing, I wouldn't give a flying fuck about him and I definitely wouldn't devote 99% of my waking hours, even sleeping hours, to him. He's FUCKING AMAZING and bloody AMERICA better GET THAT because David Cook not making Final 2 is a complete, utter joke, a complete travesty, and completely unacceptable.
And to think I actually dreamt that Michael Johns went after David (which didn't come true, I think?) and I was on TWOP reading spoilers and someone said, "David sucked, especially after Michael blew him out of the water, but I still love him." Like WAH LAU*, of all the dreams I've ever had to come true, THIS had to be it?!?!?! OMFG have I mentioned I'm really sad? Wait, scratch that - I'm depressed.
(*Wah lau = local slang along the lines of Oh my god. This situation is SO dire that I just HAVE to bust out some good ol' Singlish because nothing else can quite capture the outrage and whatever I feel about the dream coming true.)
Also, how fucking unhelpful was Simon's comment about Innocent not being as good as the previous two weeks? He pulled the same crap with Day Tripper which was STILL incredibly undeserved. I mean, DUH, of course it's not as good as Billie Jean and Little Sparrow; the man isn't a singing machine. He's a human being. Cut him some slack, especially all the stories about his stress level, etc.
Still, Simon's comment proves my point that he's just literally competing against himself. It's quite unfair that we're all holding David to such a high standard, but I guess it's an inevitable consequence of how good he is. Meaning: he's so good that one not-so-good performance becomes a train wreck for some (but not me!), nevermind that it's possibly easily better than everyone else, though I can't say this with any degree of conviction 'cause I haven't watched the rest of it (and don't really care to anymore but I will anyway to watch David's intro video). It's true what they say about the higher you rise, the faster you fall.
Except: David hasn't fallen, and he WON'T. I need to start having some faith in him which I'm usually too afraid to because I don't want to jinx anything (I'm, like, inherently pessimistic), hence the weekly freak-outs whenever Wednesdays (SG time) roll around. At this juncture I'm still hesitant to say that I'm sure he'll bounce back next week, because the only thing I'm sure of is that I'm not sure of anything. That is, except that David Cook is immensely talented, an amazing singer, and my husband. Still, I really hope that he gets his act together, figures out what (apparently) went wrong tonight, and continues to secure his place in the finale.
Sigh. I wasn't loving the white jacket, I must say, though everything else worked for him. Fucking hot facial scruff, the hair is still looking great, and he's still sexy.
I'm still sad, but I'm sure I'll get over it. I soooo want to give David a big, long hug right now. Argh, poor thing, looking so resigned after he sang and all.
As for Simon's 'pompous' comment, I think it was because of what David wrote on his hand and his showing it to the camera after he sang. At that moment I saw Simon laughing in the back. Boo to Simon, and whatever, really, because that hand thing melted me like nothing else has, not even today's crazy afternoon heat.
SIGH. I have to finish my stupid translation thing which is taking forever because I don't know what I'm reading half the time so yeah. David is still the best, FTW and all.