Nov 08, 2005 21:08
I'm up then I'm down..Lately I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
All I do is think about things, I just have this "sick to my stomach feeling" that isn't good. I just realized a few things about myself:
- I believe I have some kind of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, not full blown. I noticed this about a week ago. When it comes to doing things, I feel as if I need to get everything done in one day (i.e. every bit of my homework) At least I don't procrastinate.
- Another example where I obsess..With my weight. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm short, so I believe I should be smaller than I am. I have this obsession to be 95 lbs. I don't think 103 lbs is fat, but I think losing a few lbs would help me feel better about myself.
- I am a perfectionist; perfectionism - obsessive striving for perfection.
* perfect- complete in all respects; flawless
That is something I strive for when I do anything. Is there honestly anything in this world that is perfect?
Now it comes down to this sick feeling that I have. For some reason I just have a feeling something is going on behind my back. Maybe I'm just paranoid? Maybe I just feel this way, because the same thing happens each and every time. There are times when I wonder, why you tell me some of the things you do. I don't hold anything in your past against you, everybody has a past. There are somethings that I regret, but I don't need/want(or even be reminded)of them or thrown in my face. There are some stupid things I've done, that honestly I don't regret and I take them as a lessoned learned. I will just wait this one out. Things are going good now, but there is something that just doesn't seem right.