well it is tuesday... er... it was tuesday... now it's wednesday... yay!!! hump day...
ok everyone... grab the person closest to you and hump their leg...
so i tried replying to peoples comments but lj is being a bitch and not letting me... i doubt that this will even make it up... but oh well like the subject says... i am killing time before i go out and kill myself slowly... ie smoke a cig... (____(______()~~~
ow!!!!! salt in the eye!!!! it burns like unholy watermelons of acid death...
so yeah on a somewhat sane note... i got to play Halo 2 tonight... it is freakin sweet... if you liked the first one... the second one will own you... =P
ummmmm.... what else.... ok i have a joke for you.... if you heard it before don't go ruining it for the ones that haven't... lol
2... the problem is getting them in there... haha i kill me... (well some has to do it)
ok and here is a random pic...
time remaining till skinny puppy: 2 days 19 hours 45 min