In Soviet Russia...Shop Gifts YOU

Jul 19, 2009 23:23

So I was looking up Russia and related things on Wikipedia and found out about this guy! I'm very amused hence the subject!

Aaaanyway! I've bought presents! I can't reveal what they are because that'll ruin the surprise! But suffice to say, lots of fun and/or pretty objects for my dear friends.

Then, I decided to take a Moscow River Boat excursion...which sadly I couldn't do with Amaya, but I called up Joan and she came! (This is in no way to imply you're second prize or something , Joan.)

So down the river we went, saw all kinds of things! Our tour guide was hilarious, these pigeons came down onto the boat and he practically burst a vein trying to get them, honestly now, there are still pigeons in the 51st century (cockroaches too) and everyone knows you just leave 'em alone. Ended up with birdshit all over.

Alas no picture, too busy laughing!

After the boat ride we went to see this Lenin's Tomb, where they've got the dead body of their old leader in a glass box...and he's been there for about 85 years now. Creepy...although, Joan and I did line up for a good hour so we could gawk. Apparently they even used to have Stalin in there, but they got rid of him. For the best, because people probably would have wanted to hang him up and kick him in the nuts. I remember learning about that guy in school, which means he really was of the worst if we're still talking about it 30 centuries later.

All in all, Moscow's not really my sort of place, no windmills or crazy sorts of things to see. I shall move onto a new locale as soon as I figure where to go!

And oh! Here we go - more from justprompts I love these guys, but I forogt that I was doing them from the beginning, whoops...

Misc Prompts:

Write a letter to someone you betrayed.


Dear Lady Who Said She Had a Diamond But Didn't,

I suppose you fit more in this space than the other space because I killed you.

Now, I didn't know your name and you didn't know mine either, wasn't important at the time, even though I thought we were a team.

To be honest I really have no idea what your plan was, saying you had an Acadia Diamond when you didn't, I mean what were you going to do when we got to where you claimed it was located? Get all pouty that it had disappeared? Then what? Seriously, the more I think about it, the more it seems to be some bizarre black widow type thing.

Ahem, anyway, it's probably not appropriate for me to be bitchy to you with you being dead and all.

Now, we helped each other along the way, I got some guys off your back, you prevented the Overseers getting their hands on me, which I never really thanked you for.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I did in fact betray you becaue you shot at me too! But people seem to be of the opinion I did and I see their point. It was uncalled for and a completely shitty thing to do. But when you pulled the gun on me, I was thinking - "Oh Hell no". Why'd you even pull that gun on me anyway? That's what I'd like to know, but obviously I won't, since I shot you and all.

So yes, I'd like to apologise for that, and if it's any consolation - if indeed there's an afterlife - you really did scare the fuck out of me with that DNA bomb thing. Still have nightmares about that sometimes.



Write a letter to someone who betrayed you.


Dear Jack,

You may in fact read this so I suppose I should be serious.

Now before you go Hey I lost two years of memories, I don't remember that "I love you" - "You suck" thing, I'm not going to harp on that, I'm going to harp on when you first betrayed me.

While were in the Time Loop I fell in love with you, because even though you were an arsehat, arrogant and at times a complete killjoy, you were my arsehat, arrogant, sometimes killjoy.

So...when you laughed at me, well that fucking hurt. It took a lot for me to say that, you know, I mean, I always thought 'love' was a secondhand emotion on a good day - complete bullshit on a bad day. But here I was all goo-goo eyed over you, so I said it.

Now, I promised to, you know, be respectful of your story about your childhood and Gray and I was! I didn't say "You blame yourself for accidentally letting go of your brother's hand? What are you an idiot?!". So I figured you'd be nice to me.

But you laughed instead.

And that fucking hurt, damnit. I have feelings you know!

But no, you had to be an arse, how's that old song go? "There's I time to laugh and a time to cry" And you were always going going on about how empathetic you could be and how that made you such a good Time Agent, yet you couldn't see I was serious?

Well, I think you could, and you decided to laugh at me anyway.

Not cool, Jack, not cool.



PS. Have heard disturbing stories about something bad happening to Eye Candy, might want to look out.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Do I?! So, so many! But the biggest is shagging, oh how I love to shag! :OD Luckily, I have lovely Amaya, who often wears me out! I'm a lucky man indeed!
Also hypervodka, I still sneak some in the Nexus, 'cause it's gooood!

Don't ask, don't tell.

Now, I understand this is some sort of thing in the military, because apparently if you don't talk about it, you'll no longer be gay. And gay guys are all wimps and therefore would be useless soliders. The 21st century is bizarre! Honestly, sometimes I don't see what Jack sees in it! I mean the 25th century maybe...but this one...

Although this one has Amaya and Cassie and Kage and all sorts, so...I let them off on this one, everyone knows gay soliders are getting it on like rabbits anyway.

There you go! Have fun with an insight into know you want to. :OP

justprompts, moscow, presents!, joan, all about me!

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