I'm up for auction!
Yes indeed! C'mon you know you want to! It's even going to charity! I was going to abscond with mine, but having read up on this HIV thing, Hell, I'll hand it over. (See I have a heart!)
And today's quiz amusement me no end:
Your Dark Element is Earth You are well grounded. You nurture and comfort everyone that you know.
You are naturally diplomatic, but it isn't easy. You can be indecisive and contradictory at times.
You work hard, but you also get discouraged. You can be withdrawn and moody.
You tend to give so much to others that you forget to take care of yourself.
What's Your Dark Element? Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To! Seriously, I don't even know where this quiz maker got his ideas from. Grounded? Natural diplomatic? That's like the opposite of me. People are weird I tell you.
Once again, don't forget to bid! I'll give you a sexy dinner, complete with disco ball!! ;O)