Christmas Gifts!

Dec 26, 2010 21:06

Yes! I decided to get in the spirit, because hey why the Hell not?

To clockwork_doc I present you this! I honestly don't know what it does...but it looks fabulous doesn't it? There's a camera in it.

To save_us_alice - this total retro Swiss Army Knife because those are cool.

To deadgirlsliekme - This sculpture! Made by Bruce Garner - I don't know him from Adam, but whatever.

To thosetwoturrets - Opposable thumbs! Man's best friends.

To casciel - A Necklace" - Hopefully not tacky, is gold your colour? I think it is.

To kairos_aether - Paints! Have fun, draw something pretty - like me!

To amaya_smythe and nhanan - A set of plates - I think they call them china - beats me why. Have fun with that.

And then I sort of run out of er...other people who thinks they should have got something er...sorry.

Besides I had to get Alina a whole bunch of stuff...and thank you to those special people who got her presents too! You know who you are.

Happy Non-Demoninational Winter Festival to you all!

alina, presents!, christmas, friendly fun

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