For the quiz today that is, about what Fairy Tale I am.
You Are Rapunzel You are shy and a bit sheltered. You're curious about the world, and you want to break free!
You sometimes feel like you're waiting for your life to begin. There's so much you want to see and do.
You're still trying to figure out who you are and your place in the world. You're not sure what you who you want to be yet.
You are resourceful and brave. Once you are given a little freedom, you boldly go after what you want.
What Fairy Tale Are You? The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings And incidentally, what the fuck? That makes no sense whatsoever! I can't even...
Anyway! Back in the Carribean with Cuddles...we're living it up here! Beaches, warm sea, tropical music! Whoo, I'm loving it.
Sheltered indeed, pft. They must have been on booze again when they cam