Feb 08, 2007 13:20
well....53 weeks, i have remained silent on blogs and other internet forums. i am not sure why my mouth has been closed for so long. one could say i dissappeared for a while. in a sense it was theraputic in a way. for once in my life i am truly happy, for no other reason than too be happy. i lost my fasination with a death wish that i once held so close. so what have i been up too?
in no certain order
-was promoted several times of the year
-making decent money
-great apartment, with an amazing view of the atlanta skyline
-good roomate and new friend (brotherhood)
-spiraled down into a dark place after a break up
-got over that in a year
-possitive outlook on life in general
-lost the death wish
-joined a branch of the masons
-singing in too different bands (check them out on myspace, shut up haters, chloralOne and male)
-stopped drinking, i still do but just once a week if that
-discovered many new things about myself, some i like, some not so much
-did cocaine for a long while, stopped (maddness i tell you)
-fixed a bad relationship with my parents
-got a cell phone!
-have a new cat, all black named crowley, think about it
-advance in alchemical studies
-had dinner with football player steve, did not have sex with him
-he went pro (rich$$$$) wanted to date me, i said no, and felt like a dumb ass
-celebit for more than 9 months
-saw steve again, he broke the chastity, asked me again to move out to LA with him and be a ball player boyfriend
-said no again, felt like an even bigger dumb ass
-gained more self-respect
-finally grew a hitler stache, still have it
-finally started work on tattoo's, they are pretty cool!!
and most of all
-...discovered that their is more to life than what i thought it had to offer...
this is the sappiest thing i have ever put down into words. it also is the first time in this journal that i have not posted a story. i semlt the winds of change, and now i understand
hope all is well
until the end