Jan 20, 2006 16:16
Wrote dan another poem. I wrote this wednesday night. could'nt sleep.
Each moment of you
Remember that night, where we gazed at the shooting stats. Or that last night where all the right things happened at weird times, but ended up being all right. Those nights were the beginning of always. That week was the start of the rest of our days.
Remember that evening at JC Park, where we sat down and talked about the problems of life. Where we made out in the cold and played tic-tac-toe in the dark, That was the point where you told me you loved me, I’ll never forget that, ever. That was exactly when I realized I wanted to be with you forever.
Remember that afternoon into dusk, where were trusted alone at your moms house. That was the blossom of many new things; we connected more than any time before. Those moments were the first times I became more comfortable with who I am more and more.
But…do you remember back when we disliked and hated each other for no reason? Where in middle school it was silent waves. High school came to unspoken smiles in the halls. Back when we didn’t have a relationship to have up and down falls
But remember this for me, we’ve changed from hate to love we’ve stepped off from no considerations to every thought of mine. With all these memories we have and will carry on, we won’t at any condition go back to where we first were. Because i have for sure symptoms of loving you and there will never be a ending cure
my grades this semister (one)
Class Midterm Final Grade
Band A A
Geometry E B
Biology C B
English B A-
History B A-
Child Development B- A-