ok so the weekend we just had was pretty ace!
on friday night me and rosie went to see 'johnny truant' at the underworld,
i got really drunk without even realsing, one moment i was fine, the next i could hardly stang..it was pretty funny,
when it ended me and rosie literally had no money, like about 18p and we needed to get home or something, so we spilt and had to go around asking randomers for money, the amount of creepy men that mistook me for a prostitue was worrying, but in the end i got 5.80 pounds! quite impressive i thought!
then we brought tuc buscuits sat on the tube being louty drunks, ah good times
on saturday we just hung about at rosies we were both pretty tired so at like 5 or somthing we had power naps, then we had james party to go to, it was so much fun cos i never really get to socialise with people at my college, cos most of my friend are out of college, so that was nice!
me and rosie had fun getting there, we made the best tube game EVER!! and drank whisky and sang hits by bands like '5' and stuff
rosie and ithaka
jo looking special
haha i love college people!!!
it was so fun, except some rough girl was sick like everywhere
getting back me and rosie shared a car with ithaka and jo, that took us to fulham, right near my house, but rosie needed to get back to hollaway, but it was like 5 in the morning and we had stolen all these magazines and we were running around looking like complete idiots
but by the morning it was lovley cos we made egg and toast, spending all of our remaining money on bread, and then stayed in bed till 5!!!
death cab tonight!! woohoo im mega excited about that!!