Goodbye Chicago

Oct 24, 2005 02:12

So I was on someone's blog seeing some pics he'd taken of the Chicago skyline. Then it hit me: I'm done with Chicago. I won't be living there anymore, nor will I see it apart from brief visits. I mean, I haven't lived at home fore years now, but looking at the skyline made me feel nostalgiac, like I do about high school times. Oddly depressing, but I guess it always hurts to leave certain things behind.

So transitioning, hopefully I'll be living in New York soon. A great city, so full of life and movement, and so verrry different from Chicago and especially DC. Either way, I'm a city guy now, so it should be fun, new experiences and new people to meet.

I now have a sports column in our weekly newspaper. I'll be posting the articles on my LJ for your viewing pleasure. And if that isn't your viewing pleasure, feel free to defriend me :)

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