awh i made tugboat cry and i got all sad inside :'(
aw, amanda has such pretty eyes!
dill & ty
"old stuff"
take 1
take 2 cuuute
1st boyfriendnessss!! :)
hott ass-ness
seriously haven't seen or talked to this kid since middle school
oh the beauty is overwhelming!
my boyfriend/interracial anal buttsex partner
c-wang is at stef frohman
me pointing to courntey's balls
was fun at first, but once i really thought about it, it got a bit sad.. :\
but on the brighter side of things..3 days til i'm free. *happy dance*
finally talked to the <3man today.
he was doing prom stuff all weekend.
& he's going to show me pics later.
e-date at 7.