War on Christmas 2006

Dec 26, 2006 07:05

"I am tired of liberals, Jews, Muslims, and other morons trying to take away our freedom to worship the Lord Jesus Christ on this blessed holiday. The next time I go to a store and hear something other than "Merry Christmas" I'm boycotting the store. December 25th has been repeatedly secularized by Democrats and other people who hate freedom in this country. If you celebrated Christmas today then God Bless you. If you celebrated today without true thought for the Lord Jesus Christ, then I hope you've got some SPF 666, 'cause you're going to hell!"

So it's officially Boxing Day, and I'm feeling like taking about Christmas while it's less of an issue in people's minds

I stole the above quote from some guy's blog, and I'm not going to link back because he seems like a decent chap who's just trying to get a rise out of people, and he's gotten enough crap already. And it's the idea rather than his words and poor logic that I'm thinking about anyway.

People complain about the commercialization of Christmas, and I think that's a fair point, but what bothers me more is the politicalization. Since when was Christmas an issue? It's a celebration. I'm not particularly religious, but I celebrate Christmas. I'll tell people Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, and if they don't want to hear it, fine. But it's my choice how I celebrate. If I say "Happy Holidays" to you out of joy, why would you say "Merry Christmas" out of spite? Are you honestly going to get upset because I'm spreading inappropriate peace on earth, and unauthorized goodwill toward men?

I think the Christians of America have royally screwed up when it comes to Christmas. It used to be the best witness they had. Everyone wanted to be Christian on Christmas. They were happy, they were full of joy, they gave out of their hearts and no matter who you were, you couldn't help but see that and want it. Christians are mad that non-Christians are celebrating their holiday, when they should be rejoicing. Strip away the glitz, the money, the co-opted pagan rituals, the silly social posturing, and the bitterness, and Christmas exemplifies what is great about Christianity. A willingness to give without expecting anything in return and a willingness to serve for the good of mankind as a whole. It was the perfect way to bring people into the fold, but now, some are slamming the door shut before they can get a look around. Why has the great Christian virtue of forgiveness been forgotten during Christmas?

So here's my plan. Next year, let's throw Jesus a surprise birthday party. Let's make him think we forgot. No one says anything, and we'll all just be kind to each other and loving all through the year, so he won't get suspicious. He gave us a list 2000 years ago, and there were only two things on it. Maybe it's time we looked at it. We can say "good day" and "hello" with the same joy and compassion as we say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". We'll give some food to the poor in August, just to throw him off. Maybe next year, when we wake up on Christmas morning, spend time with our families, and give selflessly to those we love, and those we don't even know, we can stop for just a second and listen. And if we listen close, we might just hear Jesus say "Thanks guys, that's just what I always wanted". And maybe the people that don't hear will see how happy we are and wonder what the fuss is about.

Then we can have cookies. Because I'm pretty sure Jesus likes cookies too.
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