
Sep 20, 2018 23:49

HEY EVERYONE!! So sorry that I've been AWOL for so long!! So very much has happened!! 4 years ago (yikes!) my mother, sister and I moved off of my mountain and to the coast. What a 4 years it's been!! I began dating one of my best friends and I am very happy to say that we are still together and going strong! A few weeks after we moved we ran out of money as we moved before we had a new place or any kind of jobs. It was stupid but unfortunately we kinda had to due to family fighting. Anyway after a few weeks we wound up having to sleep in our cars, I in mine and my mother and sister in my mom's. Fortunately for myself I was invited to live with my boyfriend at his mother's house and a job. My mother and sister unfortunately stayed living in their car for another year until my uncle was kind enough to buy a used trailer for them. I lived with my boyfriend and his mother, in his sister's room, for about 7 months before she asked me to find my own place. Fortunately I found a room to rent two days before she wanted me to leave and I lived there for two and a half years until this March when my landlady asked me to vacate the room for her friend. Needless to say I was quite livid but I managed to find a place with my stepmom's parents. I would have got my own place with my boyfriend but he was in school full time in an execrated program to find a better job and I don't make enough on my own to live in an apartment by myself as rent here is astronomical! I am hopefully going to be starting a new job soon (fingers crossed) where I can make more money but once again I am living in a place with a time limit and it's almost up so who the heck knows! Anyways I happened to be fooling around with my internet bookmarks and this one had been deleted by mistake and when I was redoing it I thought that I would give an update since it has been so very long. I am sad to say that I do not know when I will be able to update again as I have had very little motivation due to my job slowly draining the life out of me, a different post for a different time explaining that debacle  I hope that when I start my new job I will start to become happy in other things besides just my relationship with my boyfriend as he is my only bright spot currently.
Take Care Everyone!


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