Title: Tiny Snowman Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ron Rating: G Content: Fluff in the snow Artist's Notes: My other art for the h/r-reunion. Something cute and fluffy Summary: Harry and Ron pose for a picture in the snow
I can't tell you how much I covet their knitwear :D I NEED Harry's hat. Need. It's a matter of need ;) Such sweet boys, and oh, to be born a snowman, and Ron is SO worth melting over, and LOOK at their cold-pinked cheeks and noses!
So in love. So pretty :) Thank you for double arting us :D
Comments 14
What an adorable fanart! A really well pictured moment of sweetness. Thanks for sharing.
I NEED Harry's hat. Need. It's a matter of need ;)
Such sweet boys, and oh, to be born a snowman, and Ron is SO worth melting over, and LOOK at their cold-pinked cheeks and noses!
So in love.
So pretty :)
Thank you for double arting us :D
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