Jan 20, 2011 21:52
Well, we have under a month until submissions are due.
February 14th.
I don't mind if it's already the 15th in the UK, obviously - I expect you to spend until midnight in your time zone, on Valentine's Day, writing Harry/Ron!!
How close is everyone to the tape??
Comment here with a progress figure, if that's not too scary... it is very stressful not knowing how many submissions I can expect to expect.
A word count or a %age or something comforting equivalent.
And, when you are ready, submit your fic/art - due by February 14th, but welcome earlier - by e-mailing a Word document to harrybangronmod@googlemail.com using the following header template...
Author: [delete if not applicable]
Artist: [delete if not applicable]
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Other Pairings: [can be 'whited out', if they are plottally important, but some people need to know what they are letting themselves in for]
Author's Note:
Please include all html coding in your document.
Please warn for other pairings - especially explicit pairings - which can be whited out1, if they are plottally important, but some people need to know what they are letting themselves in for - and for the usual squicky things.
Please upload all art to your LJ scrapbook, or similar, and include links in your document - especially colab art, so you can ensure the pictures appear exactly where you want them, in the story.
All fics will be have to be betaed, before submission, and will be Britpicked by your lovely mods, if necessary, to ensure we don't have any singular nutters...
All fic will be too long for a single LJ post, so all entries will be posted on Dreamwidth, on March 1st 2011, with comments disabled and a link returning to an equivalent LJ post for COMMENTS!!!
I hope.
1 only with pointy brackety things, obviously...
Other Pairings: [span style="color:white; background-color:white;"]James/Dean[/span]
mod post