Title: You Can't Take What's Mine
kath_ballantyneSummary: During their years at Hogwarts, their time in the war and 7 years working together as Aurors Ron has seen Harry injured many times. But as he watches Harry's life slipping away again Ron finally realises something.
Rating: NC-17
Words: N/A
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Warnings: Slight angst, argument and naked frotting
Other Pairings: None
Author's Note: I got the idea for this months ago after a conversation with
star54kar and when I was tossing up whether it needed words or not Kara offered to write some for me. Due to real life this turned out not to be possible. I then attempted to write something myself but the response I got was that it worked better without the words so you have been saved from my clumsy attempt to make pictures with words instead of colours. I hope it makes enough sense without them.
You Can't Take What's Mine