Because it's almost time for HBP (omgflail), and also because I am grossly irresponsible and do not yet have a new comic for you (I will try my best to get one posted before the book comes out!), I would like to offer you all a different kind of gift.
My dearest friend and partner in crime,
aysquid, made me an awesome animation for my birthday last December. I shared it on my personal journal, but not here if I recall correctly, so I'd like to remedy that. It's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Insinuated Sirius/Remus and (onesided) Harry/Remus. Only about a PG.
Black Chocolate And after you see it, everyone give her tremendous praise!! *throws confetti*
If you feel like commenting, let me know: anyone doing something special to celebrate HBP? If so, what? :B