Hey guys!

Mar 17, 2005 18:17

All right, I know I've been real bad and not updated even after a good couple of months break. Truth is, I've been running about like a chicken with my head cut off with school. The minute my summer break starts, I'll be resuming Harry Pudder, this I promise! Also, I should have a guest strip to post in a couple weeks, because I'm visiting my sister and she said she drew one. For the time being, I do have a great picture to share. My dearest friend mewgoesthecat made me a stuffed Remus pud, and it is probably the cutest thing ever. She'll be making me a Sirius sometime, too, so I'll post pictures of the two together when he's done. Otherwise, thanks so much to ya'll for being patient!

♥ ♥ ♥

He is the coolest stuffed toy ever. He's a lot heavier than he looks, cause he's filled with stuffing and beans, and he's just the perfect cuddle buddy. ^.^ Wee I love him so much! <333
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