Comic Notes:
1) This scenario really reminds me of high school/jr. high school. And by that I mean, there are always nasty little love triangles. Or octagons, or whatever. =P
2) Poor Hermione . . . this explains why she was being such a disgruntled lesbian in the last strip. Just for the record, I don't ship Hermione/Pansy at all. (Not that I have anything against them, mind you. I find VERY few ships unappealing all around. I like a little bit of everything. =B) Is there much of a following for them? You'd think there would be, what with the Harry/Draco phenomenon.
3) Next week . . . or the week after, but SOMETIME on this blessed Winter break of mine, I will be making a bulk update. No, really, I WILL. I PROMISE. PHWOAR.
4) Um . . . <3