Dec 16, 2006 15:01

OK, so, I never get sick, I never get cramps before my period, and yet these past 2 days I took, 2 midols, 4 advils, 2 motrins and a St. Johns aspirin thing.

NOTE: Boys who are reading this should skip over the first paragraph, or read it at your own risk.

I have had the worst cramps ever. Lets just say I really, literally, couldnt move without feeling the worst pain ever. I don't even get cramps before I get my period, and I shoudn't even be getting my period now. But midol works magic, let me just say that.

Then yesterday I had a terrible headache, my stomach hurt, and I was really dizzy. I don't know why my stomach hurt, I barely ate anything the whole day. So I took advil. Then 6 hours later I took more advil. Didnt really help. So, at 2am I took motrin, and it kinda helped.

I feel much better today, and its good thing I do cause I have my anthro final and I need to rape it. I love that phrase. Its like the one time its ok to rape something or someone is when that something/one is your final exam. Finals need to die.

Anyway, that was my rant. I come home monday so everyone, we must party.

PS: My friend Marie gave me the greatest present ever. She made a CD of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert singing, which is awesome. And it also has the Daily Show and Colbert Report theme songs on it.

PPS: I wrote a political satire in my comp sci class one day cause I was bored. And thats why I am gonna do badly on the final. I hate comp sci cause I could care less how to program a computer. Sorry dad, but I really dont want to take over the family business. Computers suck.
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