How are you all today? This is just a mini mod post to say that the rules and the posting guidelines and all that stuff in the
userinfo page has been updated again (and properly this time), please please please familiarise yourself with it. We've had to make the rules up as we go along, when i (kirsty) started this comm a couple of years ago i had one rule (it was BE NICE!) and we've been tweaking them as problems arise so go check that out.
We realised that a lot of members might be new to LJ and to LJ comms in general so we've added little links to each LJ term we've used so that you can find out what we're talking about when we say certain things.
Also we'll be launching a.....something! I don't wanna say what it is yet!! In the next couple of days we'll launch a thing that will be fun fun fun for everyoooooone *twirl* it will involve you all getting your thinking caps on!!
kirsty and su