May 12, 2006 17:24
my brains are leaking out my head. i've been studying since 8:30 this morning. like, seriously, no lie. a break for lunch and a shower, and a couple games of minesweeper to not lose my mind. and yet, sadly, i'm still gonna do bad on this exam tomorrow. oh well, at least i wont like, fail it. i hope. haha.
it's cloudy again, which makes me happy as i'm stuck inside anyways. also, it's decidedly more scottish, which i enjoy.
laundry sucks. i cannot wait until it is free once more.
i also cannot wait until my parents get here. :D
i also can't wait to get an apartment in ny this summer and like, pack things and move them and decorate a room that is for real mine. and cook for myself. haha! and my brother too, no doubt. and see Mary :D :D :D! and have her quasi-live with me. oooooooh it's good to enjoy the now and look forward to the future. i'm unaccustomed.
not that i'm enjoying my impending doom during these exams. buuuuuut, i'll live. no worries.