Man... bulletin is a weird word to type!
My life is fun at the moment, life is good and my firends are loverly, trying to find time to come down for Chris's brithday, but its looking hard due to uni work, so I might have to come back a week late.
Uni work is major fun at the moment, as is going out to the Adelphi club every week for open mic night. I must try to put some kind of Zelda or Warcraft band together at some point! In the words of the Beastie Boys: Brewmaster, cut faster... or somthing like that!
Anwyays, the guild forum is now up, with a LOVERLY colour scheme at and the website for the guild should be up soonish, hwoever, my gnomish flatmate has kinda taken it over already, but don't be afraid, he's harmless! Website should be comming at some point, if we find serverspace!
Anways, no point to this post, no point at all!
Oh, there could be a point to it! Eddus? I need to talk to you about stuff to do with my Uni course, nothing serious, just to do with screenwriting. Whoop! May ring you later in the week.
Here is a tiny picture of bex as she does not like photo's being posted of her, I will make it really small and maybe she will not notice! >>