Title: Over My Head
Summary: 6th yearAU.Draco over-hears Ron&Hermione' discussion involving Harry's abusive relatives,the Dursley's,on the train ride to Hogwarts & is filled with a sudden desire to protect the Golden Boy.Oh, & he also plays matchmaker in there somewhere.
Rated: T,PG-13
Main Pairing: Draco/Harry
Side Pairings: Ron/Hermione & Severus/Remus
Statis: Complete
Wordcount: 37,000+
Beta: Aureliene. I really can't thank you enough. It's in process at the moment, but hopefully I'll have all the chapters corrected soon.
Author's note: This story is complete for now, but I may add an epilogue if I ever get around to it.
Also, There will be no porn in my story but Draco is the dominant partner just in case you're all wondering.
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