Kiss Me (Under the Light of a Thousand Stars)Author:
iwaoWord Count: ~115k
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Hannah
Other key characters: Blaise, OFC, Ginny, Neville, Hannah, OMC
Era: Post-war
Rating: NC-17
Content: romance, angst with a happy ending, memory loss, PTSD, OCD, Pensieve, mildly dubious consent. Mentions of past Harry/Ginny (not explicit).
Summary: Harry rescues Draco Malfoy from Azkaban, where he has been imprisoned for three years after the war. Draco is not as Harry remembers, as Azkaban leaves its mark on even the strongest of wizards. With no memory of who he was or how he came to be in Harry's care, Draco needs Harry's help if he is to have any hope of making a full recovery. But Harry has his own demons to fight and together with saving Draco, Harry must also discover a way to find himself.
A/N: Written for the 2015
harrybang fest. I would like to thank once again all the wonderful people who have pre-read/beta read/helped with this story:
lettered and
writcraft. I couldn't have done it without you! <3
Kiss Me (Under the Light of a Thousand Stars)