Title: Roots to grow and wings to fly
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: They say a child need roots to grow and wings to fly. But learning to fly can be painful for all those involved. Draco knows he has raised his son better than this - so what is going on all of a sudden, now that he has moved in with Harry?
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): none
Epilogue compliant? (and if so, to what extent?) Next Gen Kids exist but Astoria and Ginny have been out of the picture since long before.
Word Count:13.361
Author's Notes: Dear
nattish I have tried to fit in as much of your prompt as you requested, but somehow your special request refused to be integrated explicitly. In my mind Draco needs to be taken care of more in this story, but I am absolutely not good with sex so this story lacks detailed descriptions of sex to be honest. I hope you like what I have done with your idea; I had a lot of fun writing this. Al does make an appearance but I hope I have avoided your squicks.
A huge thank you goes to the lovely
sophie_french who has encouraged me again and again. And my wonderful betareader
mab who took care of all my mistakes. Without you two this story would not be what it is now!
Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly