Title: Flames and Chains
hecticityRating: NC-17 overall for violence and sexual situations
Pairings: Harry/Draco-centric, with a side helping of Lupin/Snape and mentions of past Remus/Sirius
Summary: After Voldemort's downfall, Harry manages to escape with his life, only to be bitten by a vampire and captured by Draco Malfoy. With the war-torn wizarding world in shambles, our heroes find themselves struggling to keep their inner fires alive as bonds are formed that both threaten to destroy them and pull them out of the darkness.
Genre: Angst, with sprinklings of humor and fluff
Disclaimer: I am nowhere near cool enough to be JK Rowling. I just like to play with the lovely characters she has created, especially the hot Slytherin ones.
Dedication: for
la_petite_morte, my roommate and fellow vampire and gamflop enthusiast. Happy birthday, love!
Author's note: Now beta'd by The Amazing Becca, aka
friartux_shop. Feedback/concrit is welcomed and rewarded with lots of love :)
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