Title: "A Hard Day’s Night" - Fandom: Harry Potter - Claim: The Slytherins - Prompt: Massage Oil

Aug 02, 2006 14:21

Title: "A Hard Day’s Night"
Author: Twisted Miracle
Claim: All Slytherins
Pairing: Draco/Harry
50_smutlets prompt: #46, Massage Oil
Rating: R
Genre: PWP
Beta: drgaellon
Warnings: slash, title shamelessly stolen from The Beatles
Word count: approx 1,050

Harry’d had a crap day. But he usually did these days. Auror training, for lack of a better word (Draco would know a more eloquent word, he always did), really sucked sometimes. Being Harry Potter didn’t help. Training was hard for all of them but no one else had to deal with making half the training staff feel inadequate and half the other trainees dumb with awe. He wished every day that he could just fade into the woodwork.

Ugh. He didn’t want to think about it. He was just glad Draco was studying Potions instead. Having Draco there to snark lovingly at him (Draco swore it was all meant lovingly) would not improve training. He was sure of it.

Luckily it was Draco’s turn to make or buy dinner tonight, so Harry could just tumble out of the damn fireplace and let his boyfriend take care of him.


“Draco? Tiger? Where are you?”

“In here, Harry.” Draco’s voice was coming from the wrong side of the flat. Why wasn’t Draco in the kitchen?

Harry walked toward his lover’s voice. “Tiger, I’m hungry,” he whined. “I had a really rotten day and I want to eat and rest. Where’s my dinner?”

Draco called out from behind the half-closed bedroom door. “I know you had a lousy day, lover, you almost always do. So I got our favourites from Bombay Palace and put them under Warming Charms. But I think before you eat them, you should get a chance to rest, just like you said.”

Feeling slightly wary, as it didn’t look as though he’d be getting his way tonight, Harry stepped into their bedroom. Inside he found lit candles, unknown vials on the bedside table, and Draco, starkers and very hard.

“Er, Draco?”

“Lie down, lover. It’s Friday, you’ve earned yourself a break. Dinner can wait.”

Seeing Harry’s uncertain and weary expression, Draco took charge.

“Come on, Harry. Let’s get you undressed.”

Draco put his wand down on the bedside table and walked the few steps to his silent lover. “I promise you are going to like this. I made a special trip to Whisper Alley today, and I bought some… things.”

As Draco spoke to Harry he unbuttoned his shirt. Harry felt his emotions clashing. Petulance at not getting his way was losing to lust and curiosity. What was Draco planning? What had he picked up in Whisper Alley? Was it those vials? What was in them? Harry suddenly realized that while he was distracted Draco had managed to completely remove his shirt and was now working on his belt.

“Oh what the fuck,” he surrendered, and leaned in to kiss Draco’s jawline.

It took little time for the two of them to remove the rest of Harry’s clothes, then Harry allowed Draco to lead him over to the bed.

Draco could see that Harry had questions. “Shhhh…” he offered. “Everything will become clear. Just trust me.”

Harry lay face down on top of the bed, arms by his sides, eyes closed and muscles tense. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his boyfriend; it was that Auror training infected his whole body with stress.

Suddenly he smelled something soothing, warm, and delicious. Almonds, perhaps?

“What is that, Tiger?” he mumbled into the blankets.

“Massage oil, but I want you to keep your mouth shut. Just stop thinking already.”

Harry felt warm oil spilling onto his back. He felt strong hands spreading it, pressing it into his skin, his tense shoulders and strained lower back. Then he felt the oil warming, heating, intensifying. For a moment he worried that it would heat to an uncomfortable temperature, but it stopped just before that, the heat sinking deeply into his tense muscles and relaxing him.

Draco spent long moments on Harry’s shoulders, then his arms, then his back, then his arse. Just when Harry was starting to hope that the blond would turn the massage sexual, Draco moved down to Harry’s thighs and then his calves. Draco worked hard on Harry’s feet, and the massage seemed almost over, but then his boyfriend simply started back up Harry’s legs.

Harry sighed in contentment. This really was wonderful. He hoped he wouldn’t fall asleep before it was over. He wanted to be conscious enough to enjoy it.

Draco seemed so determined to simply turn Harry into a sleeping puddle that the Auror didn’t even think about it when his boyfriend moved his legs apart for him. Indeed, it did seem to be simply for better access to certain muscle groups that Draco hadn’t paid much attention to earlier, when Harry’s legs were right next to each other. But when Draco made it all the way back up to Harry’s arse this time, he started to massage oil into Harry’s arse crack, and parts of Harry suddenly weren’t so sleepy anymore.

“Tiger?” Harry muttered.

“Shhh, sweet. Just enjoy.”

“Mmm. Am.”

“Good. Now hush.”

Then Draco’s finger slipped gently into Harry’s arse, and as relaxed as the rest of his muscles were, his cock was nonetheless hardening under him, and his brain was quite awake now. But he kept his mouth shut and lay still, simply enjoying what could still almost count as a massage.

But when Draco slipped a second finger into Harry, he moaned and pushed back onto Draco’s hand. This was no longer a massage.

When Draco started to fuck him, all Harry could do was gasp and beg for more. Thankfully, Draco no longer wanted Harry to keep quiet.

True to his lover’s nickname for him, Draco’s fingers dug into Harry’s shoulders and scratched.

Harry was so relaxed from the massage that he couldn’t seem to push himself back onto Draco’s cock, but it still felt fantastic.

By the time Draco came into Harry, the Auror was hard as a rock and mewling with pleasure. Draco flipped him over and sucked his cock into his throat, down to the root. It didn’t take long at all for Harry to come.

Draco crawled up Harry and pulled him into his arms. Harry simply molded into Draco’s embrace and sighed with happiness.

“Better, sweet?”

“Fuck yes, Tiger. Much, much better.”

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